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UMCOR Hotline 12 Aug 2008: Georgia, U.S., Liberia, Armenia

ReliefWeb (press release), Switzerland

Source: The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)

Date: 12 Aug 200

UMCOR Hotline 12 Aug 2008: Georgia, U.S., Liberia, Armenia


UMCOR in Georgia is responding to the needs of those affected by the
outbreak of conflict in Georgia. UMCOR’s Georgia office is providing
health kits to displaced people, medicines and medical supplies to
local hospitals.

UMCOR has also been named as the lead coordinating agency for
medicines and medical supplies being provided through US
Government-sponsored emergency airlifts to the conflict zone.

UMCOR staff and New York headquarters is in close contact with its
office in Tbilisi to provide as-needed support as the situation

An estimated 100,000 people have been driven from their homes since
the conflict began on Aug. 7. Medical supplies, food and clean water
are most needed. You can help by giving to Georgia Emergency, UMCOR
Advance # 250305.


Recovering from any natural disaster is a long process and the Midwest
floods are no exception. Flood survivors can expect to experience a
range of emotions as they struggle to come to terms with an
overwhelming situation. UMCOR and the Iowa Annual Conference are
helping address the spiritual and emotional needs of those affected.

Calming After the Storm, a spiritual and emotional care training led
by UMCOR consultant Mary Gaudreau, was held in three Iowa locations in
August. About 70 clergy and lay leaders attended the training
sessions, which are the first of several events to be offered. They
equip participants with skills and resources to help survivors
overcome their trauma.

To learn more about training for Spiritual and Emotional Care, contact
Luz Knight at UMCOR’s Emergency Services Office, lknight@gbgm-umc.org
or 202-548-4002. You can also send gifts to help survivors through
UMCOR’s Domestic Disaster Response, Advance # 901670.


Yah Dolo, 48 has taken full advantage of UMCOR’s Sustainable
Agriculture and Development (SA&D) trainings offered in her community
in Liberia. She benefits from beekeeping, snail raising, Moringa
production and UMCOR’s Integrated Crop and Pest Management training to
help her grow healthy vegetables.

This year, Dolo expects to produce about five gallons of honey from
two of her nine beehives. She is raising snails for her family to eat,
and will soon market snails for income. In addition, she owns 50
Moringa trees that she shares with mothers in her community to help
them feed their children. With the proceeds she is earning from her
farm, Dolo plans to purchase another acre of land to plant 400 more
Moringa trees.

Farmers like Dolo are thriving examples in their communities thanks to
UMCOR’s SA&D training. Please help farmers like Dolo feed not only
themselves but their community by giving to UMCOR’s Sustainable
Agriculture & Development Program, UMCOR Advance # 982188.


In the Ararat, Armavir, Shirak marzes and Yerevan regions of Armenia,
more than 6,800 disadvantaged people have an improved diet due to the
provision of locally-made cheese.

Through UMCOR’s Cheese Distribution Program, vulnerable people
throughout 58 institutions that include orphanages, retirement
centers, mental hospitals, and boarding schools now have access to an
additional protein-rich food source. Since April, UMCOR has
distributed more than 2,916 kg of cheese that is providing the daily
protein requirement and nourishment for those in need. UMCOR also
monitors the distribution of cheese from dairy plants to these
institutions, assuring its quality, timely deliveries, proper storage
and refrigeration, and fair distribution.

You can help Armenians eat healthier by supporting programs like
these. Send your gifts to Armenia Emergency, UMCOR Advance #250225.

Nahapetian Boris:
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