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BAKU: Russia’s Recognition Of Independence Of South Osstia And Abkha


Trend News Agency
Aug 20 2008

Azerbaijan, Baku, 20 August/ TrendNews, corr I. Alizade/ The political
experts of Azerbaijan believe that Russia’s recognition of independence
of South Osstia and Abkhazia can paralyze international relations.

"The recent moves by Moscow and its recognition of independence of
South Ossetia and Abkhazia contradicts Russia’s national interests,
it is an emotional step and can cause serious problems in the
international community," Vafa Guluzade, the political expert said
to TrendNews.

South Ossetia and Abkhazia autonomous republics of Georgia broke away
in 1990 and declared their independence. The international community
have not recognized their independence yet. Sergey Mironov, speaker
of Russia’s Council of Federation said that the Upper Chamber of
the parliament is prepared to recognize the independence of South
Ossetia and Abkhazia. Mironov said that the will of the population
of self-declared republics is important with this regard. If the
people of South Ossetia and Abkhazia wish so, Russia is prepared to
recognize their independence.

If Moscow resumes ‘cold war’ with US and NATO, it can destroy Russia.

"There are a lot of autonomies in Russia and they can also demand
independence. If Russia recognizes the independence of South Ossetia
and Abkhazia, this will give a rise to this process within its own
territory," the political expert said.

Aydin Mirzazade, member of the Azerbaijani delegation to PACE and
MP said to TrendNews that if Russia recognizes independence of South
Ossetia and Abkhazia, it will make the biggest mistake in its history.

"Such a move can create a negative precedent all over the world. Given
the frequent separatist trends in Russia’s territory, this precedent
can one day be used against Moscow itself," Mirzazade said.

"The decision by Kremlin not coordinated with the international
community can lead to the sanctions against Russia and revival of
‘cold war’ of 1950s and 1960s," he added.

The political expert also said that such a move by Russia calls into
question the activities of the UN Security Council. Because each
state is recognized by the decision of the Security Council. "Russia’s
recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia’s independence will violate
key principles of UN which cause serious crisis in UN. Therefore,
I hope that this is inaccurate statement by the Russian official,"
he said.

The political expert Rasim Musabayov said to TrendNews that if the
confrontation between Russia and West goes on, Moscow is likely to
recognize the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

"But this possible move by Russia will not be left without
response. Russia will be banished from all international organizations
excluding OSCE. Moscow will not have any international relations at
all," Musabayov said.

Azerbaijan may also suffer from this move by Kremlin. It can
necessitate the recognition of Nagorno-Karabakh by Armenia and
Russia. Therefore, this move by Moscow can create problems in
Russia-Azerbaijan relations, he said.

Mamian George:
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