Grain And Petrol Come First


Hayots Ashkharh Daily
19 Aug 2008

Company "Apaven" engaged in transferring loads implements government
tasks at the moment. Director of the company Gagik Aghajanyan informed
"Azatutyun" radiostation yesterday that firstly they transfer grain
and liquid fuel.

He said. "39 cars accompanied by 5 policemen, cars of technical and
medical services left for Akhaltskha the day before yesterday, in
the evening. We didn’t meet any obstacles on the border. Yesterday
morning the cars left for Batum. There are 1800 tones of petrol in
Batum terminal.

Our task is to transfer this petrol."

There are 72 wagons of different loads in Batum port at the moment,
including liquid fuel. The second car-column has already left Yerevan
that will also return with fuel."