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Abdallah Gul Supports Armenia’s Membership In Stability And Partners

By. H. Chaqrian

AZG Armenian Daily


Foreign Ministry of Turkey Orders to Minister for Sports to attend
the Football Game in Yerevan

Prime Minister of Turkey Erdogan made his first official statement
about the Partnership Platform of Caucasus organization initiative
on Auguts, then took measures to popularize it during his visits to
Moscow, Tbilisi and Baku. He suggested Russia, Georgia and Azerbaijan
to join the organization and emphasized the importance of Armenia’s
participation in it.

Georgia and Azerbaijan gladly accepted the offer, while Russia
approached it with certain awareness. First of all the idea was
not seriously accepted by Russian diplomats, and secondly they were
aware of the United States standing behind the initiative. However,
after the official Washington opposed the idea of establishing another
political structure in the region, Russia revised its positions and
expressed willingness to support the new union under the condition
of having the leading role in it.

The Turkish public is not certain about the Stability and Partnership
Platform of Caucasus, moreover about Armenia’s membership. Therefore
serious debate started in Turkey regarding the reality of the idea
in general and the issues of Armenia’s membership in the future

Professor of Marmara University Busra Ersanli, as repored in August 21
Bianet release, said that there is no proper background for creation
of such a union, taking into account the deep controversies between
Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. The professor also noted that
Russia will not bear being an outsider in the organization, and,
although welcoming the idea today, Russia will never permit a NATO
or USA-oriented structure in the territories of its vital interest.

Eni Cag, commenting upon this initiative, cited the statement of
National Movement Party Vice-President Aktay Vural, who said, "Let
Armenia stop the occupation of Karabakh and resign the groundless
claims about the Genocide. Turkey must not be ensnared with fake ideas,
for matters of stability and peace, Armenia must give up the policy
of enmity against Ankara and Baku".

Head of MotherlandParty Ugur Mumcun added, "the controversies with
Armenia are not of emotional matter. There are serious claims of
territories, and it is ridiculous to make an alliance with that

In the same release Eni Cag qualified the debatable initiative
of Erdogan as a task from the EU. However, the idea was welcomed
by Russia, Georgia and Azerbaijan, in this way or that. Erdogan,
as reported by Radikal, ordered Foreign Minister Ali Babacan to
start talks with Yerevan regarding the Stability and Partnership
Platform of Caucasus initiative. Babacan is also to ask Russian
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to become a mediator in the expected
Armenia-Turkey talks.

As far as it is known, the negotiations are to be started in September
after the UN General Assembly Session, in case the Babacan-Lavrov
meeting has positive results.

The idea of inviting Armenia to the Stability and Partnership Platform
of Caucasus was also approved by President of Turkey Abdullah Gul. He
said that first of all Armenia is to be invited because of being a
Southern Caucasian states and secondly, in his opinion, Armenia’s
membership will help to settle the controversies with Turkey.

But the anxiety of the Turkish authorities is not only about
the Stability and Partnership Platform of Caucasus. The question
of Abdullah Gul’s attendance to the Armenia-Turkey game remains

In connection with this matter the Government of Turkey sent the
following message to the President’s administartion, "Although
President Abdullah Gul’s visit shall have a great importance and
positive consequences, the Armenian side has not made yet the gesture
necessary to make the visit real. Therefore, the most reasonable
neutral move is to send Sports Minister Murad Baseskioglu to watch
the game".

Karagyozian Lena:
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