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They Do What Their Masters Dictate

Lilit Poghosyan

Hayots Ashkhar Daily
22 Aug 2008

While some announce about the "resignation of the Speaker of the
National Assembly" that has ripened in the parliament, radical
community still continues to rattle the sabre over the "criminal
regime" getting ready for "ardent autumn".

To what extent do these desires and predictions match with the
developments previewed in our political domain before the regular
"ardent autumn"?

Member of RPA Council Vazgen Karakhanyan answers our questions.

"I’m familiar with the rumors and publications regarding the "ardent
developments" anticipated in the National Assembly. As the member of
RPA Council and an MP, I can definitely say that the leadership of the
party and especially the President has not manifested similar approach.

But, they say, "never say "never". Nothing is excluded in this life. So
I will not be surprised if similar approach is manifested. One thing
is quite clear for me, if the conversation is about Tigran Torosyan
during those years he has already proved that he is a devoted state
political figure.

As for the autumn activeness of the radical opposition, I can say
that I notice certain processes. But I don’t see any basic, so-called
revolutionary developments, which as they say will be "crucial"
fo r our country.

I must say that in his interview given to "A1+", speaking about
Georgian-Ossian conflict Levon Ter-Petrosyan was rather reserved in his
estimations. I agree to this stance, because I consider Sahakashvily’s
actions misbalanced and in some sense even not proper to the person
that leads the highest state institute.

The government has adopted a balanced course of action and makes
consistent steps directed to the implementation of reforms. I
believe these reforms will be performed, because after all we all
understand that we can’t continue like this. A group of people can’t
have possession on the whole economy of Armenia, when lots of our
citizens can’t earn their daily bread."

"Many of your colleagues have their own business and it is not a
secret for anyone that they have always made use of the privileges
given to the MPs. Do the measures directed to establishing law and
order in the tax field raise complaints in the "interested" frameworks
of the republican party?"

"I don’t have any business, I don’t have any economic levers and many
of my friends say that lots of things have changed in tax and customs
service, you must firstly give if you want to get something. There
are certain complaints, because the sum of money transferred to
the budget has been increased, but I don’t see anything bad in it,
because this money after all will be allocated to the wages, pensions
and allowances. I think this is normal."

"Do you think Levon Ter-Perosyan’s attitude towards the "ardent" autumn
will be as reserved and balanced as it was towards Georgian-Ossian

"Still in 1995 I had a very hot discussion with my close friend Ashot
Navasardyan, regarding Levon Ter-Petrosyan. At that time Levon and
his surrounding was characterized as "yerit-Armenians" and when we
remember the lessons of the history they used to say that nothing
good will come out from all this. When you don’t master geopolitical
models, when you don’t know the alphabet of governing, you can’t lead
the country, especially the one that is deprived of natural resources,
a blocked country such as Armenia. This is the reason why I refused to
enter the National Assembly by the list of the Union "Hanrapetutyun".

As regards Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s ridiculous announcements, I must say
that they are situational and they are conditioned by the dictation of
the certain moment. The West unfortunately guides his actions. And the
factor of his being insulted also exists here. Among those detained
in connection with "March 1" I see some people who shouldn’t have
taken that step.

Maybe they thought coup d’état is very close and it is high time to
get their=2 0share.

I really feel pain for this, because there are lots of guys among
them, who have proved their courage during the war. In my view Levon
is not satisfied with his western masters, because he didn’t find
the support that he was expecting."

"So we can say that "Armenian National Congress" is the "fifth column"
aimed at making Armenia a target of foreign intervention. So what
is your attitude towards the pretentious announcements made by this
newly established "political force"?

"To tell you the truth I don’t consider this term "Armenian National
Congress" proper for this "political force". When a new structure is
created you must firstly look at the bases of this structure.

The base of this structure is Armenian Pan National Movement, which
means that you can’t find anything new in this field. In my view
the creation of the so-called "national congress" is also a foreign

As if they have set a task to always maintain the tension and make
it stronger and stronger."

–Boundary_(ID_mrTvKdjA0fO+QD/7iU gwLw)–

Hovhannisian John:
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