BAKU: Pol: Nobody knows how to settle NK problem better than Russia

Today.Az, Azerbaijan
Aug 23 2008

Sabir Rustamkhanly: "Nobody knows how to settle the Karabakh problem
better than Russia"

23 August 2008 [10:26] – Today.Az

"The limit for the peaceful resolution of the Karabakh problem is
exhausted", said chairman of the Civil Solidarity Party, MP Sabir

He said Azerbaijan’s geopolitical interests demand holding a balanced
policy, considering the fact that there are millions of our
compatriots in Russia.

"Russia is a big and influential country and Azerbaijan has always
been near it. Despite the destructive influence of the world forces,
both countries should preserve the traditional friendship.

Azerbaijan’s integration into the Euroatlantic area, application of
new technologies and economic development should not become the cause
of worsening of our relations with Russia, as the said process occurs
in Russia too. In this sense, the official policy of Azerbaijan and
Russia is considered positive.

Yet both Russia and Azerbaijan know the main reason of the
disaster. Owing to the Soviet army, Azerbaijan has lost 20% of its
lands. In this connection, Azerbaijani society considers that the
resolution of the Karabakh problem mostly depends on Russia, as no one
excect for this country knows how to settle this problem.

As Russia sometimes adheres to double standards in the resolution of
the Karabakh problem, this worsens the relations between our

Another problem is connected with Azerbaijanis, residing in
Russia. Their problems are the same: people, who have been building
their lives for years, should begin everything anew. I consider it
correct to remove the language barrier. Russia also attempts to
preserve its rights.

But it should be taken into account that hundreds of Azerbaijanis, who
work at its factories and plants, do not cause harm to the
country. Azerbaijanis do not create problems in Russia, like Russians
do not create problems in Azerbaijan. The cooperation of the two
peoples is mutually profitable. In this connection, it is important to
pay greater attention to Azerbaijani diaspora and familiarize it with
the sociopolitical activity of Russia", said he.

Sabir Rustamkhanly also added that international organizations are not
concerned too much with the fact that there are over a million of
refugees in Azerbaijan.

"Azerbaijan intends to preserve its territorial integrity and this may
encourage the country for the military way of the conflict
resolution", concluded the Milli Medjlis deputy.
