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Merkel Calls For Caucasus Summit Ahead Of Baltic Tour


Deutsche Welle
,2144,358 8880,00.html
Aug 25 2008

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called for a summit of Georgia’s
neighbors following the country’s recent conflict with Russia. On
Monday, she heads to the Baltics to lobby for a more nuanced approach
towards Moscow.

Russia itself was not on the list of countries envisaged by Merkel —
which included Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan — but no country
should be excluded from participation, the spokesman said.

"It’s up to the French presidency of the EU to decide if this
conference will take place, as well as when and who will be invited,"
spokesman Thomas Steg said.

According to the latest edition of German weekly Der Spiegel, which
will be published on Monday, Merkel proposed the summit idea to French
President Nicolas Sarkozy, whose country holds the European Union’s
rotating presidency. Berlin reckons the theme of the summit should be
"reconstruction and stability in Georgia and the region," the German
government spokesman said.

The German leader has been firm in demanding Russia withdraw its
troops from Georgia proper and made it clear that she takes a dim
view of Moscow’s recent actions.

Merkel visited Tbilisi where she made it clear after talks with
Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili that Georgia "will become a
member of NATO" — a bone of contention with Moscow which is deeply
uneasy about the military alliance’s expansion.

But Merkel also made a point of visiting Russia for talks with
President Dmitry Medvedev in Sochi on the Black Sea and saying that
the lines of communication must remain open.

Her Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier has also warned against
any "knee-jerk" reaction in the West’s relations with Moscow, such
as suspending talks on a partnership and cooperation agreement with
the EU.

Reinforcing Germany’s stance, Berlin urged Russia to withdraw its
troops completely from Georgia on Saturday, saying that while the
withdrawal had begun the information available indicated it was
not complete.

Steg said the German government’s assessment concurred with that of
Saakashvili. He added that Chancellor Angela Merkel had spoken by
telephone to Saakashvili on Saturday.

"The German government expects that Russia complete the withdrawal
without delay in line with the Six Point Plan signed by Russian
President Dmitry Medvedev and pulls back its troops to the lines
before the outbreak of hostilities," Steg said.

In particular, road and rail transport routes between western and
eastern Georgia had to be cleared and full freedom of movement re-
established, he added, saying Russian troops should leave the zone
to the south of South Ossetia.

Merkel heading to Baltics

In another whirlwind diplomatic tour Merkel heads to the Baltic states
on Monday, hoping to mend damaging differences in Europe’s response
to the Georgia crisis and over future relations with Moscow.

The Baltics, under Soviet control in the Cold War and now European
Union and NATO members, have joined fellow ex-communist states
Poland and Ukraine — and the United States and Britain — in sharply
criticizing Russia during the recent conflict with Georgia.

Days after Russian talks rolled into Georgia on Aug. 8, the leaders
of the three Baltic states plus Poland’s President Lech Kaczynski
and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko all traveled to Tbilisi to
express their solidarity with President Saakashvili.

The five leaders appeared together on stage at an anti-Moscow rally
in Tbilisi on Aug. 12, joining hands and holding them aloft to cheers
from a crowd of tens of thousands of people.

They even slammed a ceasefire agreement between Moscow and Tbilisi
brokered by President Sarkozy, saying it failed to protect their
ally Georgia.

Germany walking a diplomatic tightrope

Berlin by contrast, which over recent years has enjoyed perhaps
the warmest relations with Moscow of any of the EU’s 27 members,
has fully supported Sarkozy’s efforts and has tried to have a more
nuanced approach.

Berlin wants cooperation with Moscow to "based on common concepts of
values and goals … The application of military force and marching
into a sovereign country of course are not part of these common
values," Steg said last week.

The differences in approach have led to talk of a split between the
countries of "old Europe" like Germany and France and those of "new
Europe" like Poland and the Baltics over how to deal with Moscow.

"Merkel must try to calm down some the rhetoric because to my
understanding the current policy of some new (EU) members like Poland
and the Baltics is counter-productive, not only in respect to Georgia
but also in respect to Russia," said Otfried Nassauer from the Berlin
Center for Transatlantic Security.

"The new members have pushed NATO to take a relatively strong position,
but this is not really backed up very well by real policy options,"
Nassauer told the AFP news agency. "To threaten Russia with an
interruption of NATO-Russia Council discussions is not a real threat."

But Merkel must be careful as she is walking a tightrope, said
Alexander Rahr, a Russia expert at the German Council on Foreign
Relations (DGAP) in Berlin.

"I think she is trying to please everyone," Rahr told AFP. "But this
could of course backfire, this kind of policy, because it is not
quite clear where Germany really stands."

After first visiting Stockholm for talks with Swedish Prime Minister
Fredrik Reinfeldt on Monday, Merkel will travel to Tallinn the next
day where she will meet with Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip
and President Toomas Hendrik Ives.

Later on Tuesday Merkel, who grew up in communist East Germany where
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin worked for the KGB, travels to
the Lithuanian capital Vilnius for talks with Prime Minister Gediminas
Kirkilas and with President Valdas Adamkus.

Hambardsumian Paul:
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