The State of California Designates 2008 as the William Saroyan Year

Armenian Technology Group, Inc.
1300 E. Shaw Ave Suite 131
P.O. Box 5969
Fresno, CA 93755
Tel: 559-224-1000
Fax: 559-224-1002

August 25, 2008
Contact: Varoujan Der Simonian
Tel: 559-224-1000

The State of California Designates
2008 as the William Saroyan Year

2008 has been designated as `William Saroyan Year.’ State Senator
Dave Cogdill (R-Modesto) introduced the Senate Resolution to honor
Mr. Saroyan and the many cultural contributions Armenian Americans
have made to California over the last 100 years. The resolution was
passed unanimously by both chambers of the legislature.

`We thank Senator Cogdill for taking the initiative to honor Saroyan
who put the Central Valley and specially Fresno on the literary map of
the world,’ said Varoujan Der Simonian of the Armenian Technology
Group. `Saroyan once said that he didn’t make Fresno famous, raisins
did. The reality is that wherever you travel in the world, be that in
Europe, Russia, Japan or the Far East, and when people find out that
you are from Fresno, they will immediately say, `Ah, Saroyan! Isn’t
that where William Saroyan was from?’

`It is wonderful to see over forty San Joaquin Valley organizations
come together to honor Mr. Saroyan’s many contributions to the Central
Valley. His observations about our community live on in his Pulitzer
Prize winning books and shed light on the 125 years of cultural
contributions by Armenian Americans to the state,’ said Senator Dave
Cogdill. `Saroyan was a great American and I am proud to have
sponsored the resolution in his honor.’

A photo exhibition honoring Saroyan and the cultural contributions to
California by Armenian Americans is now on display through September
24, at the State Capitol Museum in Sacramento.

On August 28th, there will be a special Centennial Celebration of
William Saroyan’s birthday at the Fresno Convention Center’s William
Saroyan Theatre. Sponsored by the Armenian Museum, the City of
Fresno, The Fresno Bee and the Saroyan Centennial Committee, the event
will feature the National Chamber Orchestra of Armenia, under the
Artistic Director and Conductor, Maestro Aram Gharabekian, world
renowned Matzo Soprano Edna Garabedian, and the Fresno Choral Artists.
There will be pre-concert festivities, followed by after concert
dessert, birthday cake and champagne.

A complete text of the resolution is followed.

Varoujan Der Simonian, Executive Director
Armenian Technology Group, Inc.
1300 East Shaw Ave., Suite 149
P.O.Box 5969
Fresno CA 93755-5969 US
1.559.224.1000 Fax 1.559.224.1002
[email protected]