Celebration In Honor Of Armenian Olympians Held In Yerevan


Noyan Tapan

Au g 27, 2008

YEREVAN, AUGUST 27, NOYAN TAPAN. A celebration in honor of the
Armenian Olympians took place in Yerevan’s Republic Square on the
evening of August 26. The event started with performance of the
hymn of the National Olympic Committee of Armenia (NOCA). Then the
members of Armenia’s Olympic team, 6 bronze medalists, the coaches,
Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, NOCA President Gagik Tsarukian
and the RA Minister of Sport and Youth Issues Armen Grigorian mounted
the platform.

In his speech Serzh Sargsyan congratulated the sportsmen, coaches and
all those who made a contribution to the success of the Armenian team
at the Beijing Olympic Games. NOCA President also made a speech, in
which he thanked the chief coaches of the weightlifting, Greco-Roman
wrestling and boxing teams Ashot Mkhitarian, Levon Julfalakian
and Rafik Mehrabian, as well as the sportsmen who have won bronze
medals. G. Tsarukian expressed a hope that at the next Summer Olympic
Games to be held in London in 2012, our Olympic team will be composed
of more sportsmen and they will win gold and silver medals as well.

Weighlifter Tigran V. Martirosian made a speech on behalf of the

Then cultural workers gave a performance. The event was concluded
with fireworks.
