Look At The Deeds Not Words

Lilit Poghosyan

Hayots Ashkhar Daily
27 Aug 2008

Chairman of Constitutional Right Union Hayk Babukhanyan answers the
questions of "Hayots Ashkharh" daily.

"Chairman of Armenian Liberal Progressive Party Edward Antinyan doesn’t
intend to participate in the format of the inter-party consultation,
because he disagrees with the "harsh stance" of the other participants
and Liberal Progressive Party in the issue of Armenia’s membership
to NATO."

"I don’t see any tragedy here. The statement runs that the party is
ready to continue its participation in the inter-party discussions
in the status of the "invited". Our decision is that consultation is
consultation and no matter by what status you participate in it.

It is another issue if as a result of the consultations it will turn
into a union. It is natural that we can’t be in the same union with
an organization for which Armenia’s membership to NATO is a priority.

Georgian-Osatian military confrontation had impact on not only
Russian-Georgian relations, regional and geopolitical situation, but
also the internal political developments in Armenia. Soon we will
eyewitness lots of changes both outside and inside Armenia. In my
view this is the reason why Mr. Antinyan made up his mind to change
his status in the format of inter-party consult ation."

"What do you mean?"

"The world is far not uni-polar. The world system was quite different
after the collapse of the USSR and at the moment another world
system is in the process of creation, the second geopolitical pole
is being restored and it is natural that many countries can’t come
to a decision on which side to take. The state-leaders, political
figures and parties face this issue.

By making part of one military political alliance, Collective Security
Treaty Organization, Armenia has got its own foreign political stance,
which is different from that of the others. This process is on in
Armenia. As we know the union of "the orange" has been established,
the core of which is Armenian Pan National Movement. From the beginning
the champions of orange revolution that are orientated towards the
West, towards the United States have gathered around this force."

"In this context how should we understand the pro-Russian stance of
"the orange", with which recently he came out, publicly demarcating
himself from the Georgian President?"

"We should look at the deeds and not words. Ter-Petrosyan’s political
activity has unequivocally been directed to serving the interests of
the United States in our region.

Ter-Petrosyan announces with deep conviction that the United States
has nothing to do with that conflict, as if he was in20the White
House when Sahakashvily got the order to start military actions
against South Osatia.

Which means he still continues to serve the interests of the United

But this time he is simply trying to hide his pro-Turkish,
pro-Azerbaijani, pro-American stance, meanwhile gaining the trust of
Kremlin before autumn maneuvers, well aware that Russia’s position
is becoming more and more stable in the region."

"What is your attitude towards the revelation of "Armenian National
Congress" and their monopoly anticipations?"

"I see western patronage here, political figures or those who
consider themselves political figures who support western interests,
those who have decided to appear with "national" label. In general
anti-national forces usually ascribe "national" labels to themselves,
such as "Armenian Pan National Movement", Pan-National Movement,
National Congress, etc.

Though the word "congress" is right in this case, because it shows the
parallel with other congresses. But the use of the word "national"
by someone who announces that national ideology is a false category
is really cynical.

Levon Ter-Petrosyan is the President who has never hidden his
programs. In that program he is rather sincere he simply underestimates
Armenian people.

After his resignation in the autumn of 1997 he publicly spoke about
his political goals: to h and Artsakh over to Azerbaijanis together
with all the liberated lands. In that case Artsakh issue would have
definitely found a swift solution, in 1-2 years Armenians would have
fled their homes and the issue would have been regulated by the old
Turkish principle "no Armenians, no Armenian issue". Fortunately it
didn’t take place Artsakh is there and Artsakh is being improved."

"Can the new demonstration wave promised in September be a success
for the "congressmen" and serve as a reason for new disorders?"

"Those parties, which in 1998 didn’t give political assessment to
the activity of Armenian Pan National Movement refused the project
that we proposed and they made an announcement, at the moment they
are in coalition and they are facing the consequences, still they
don’t take any steps.

This soft approach in politics, when there is no political assessment,
derives to bad results. And I demand from the authorities to stop
this unprincipled course of action.

Everything must be brought to the legal field; each official must be
in the legal field and must be punished for idleness. And I must say
that I condemn the principle of being in good relations with everyone."

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS