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Lenmarker Arrives In Yerevan


AZG Armenian Daily


Goran Lenmarker, OSCE PA Special Rapporteur, is to arrive in Yerevan
on Thursday, September 4. Director of the OSCE PA communication
department Klaas Bergman told Armenpress that the aim of the visit
is to discuss and get information about the current round of Nagorno
Karabakh conflict regulation process.

Mr. Lenmarker is rapporteur of OSCE PA on Karabakh issue and has been
recently appointed OSCE PA special representative on Georgia’s affairs,
thus he assumes responsibility for the whole South Caucasus.

Today started Lenmarker’s visit to Azerbaijan, after which the OSCE
official is to visit Georgia, and afterwards Armenia, where he is to
meet with the leadership of the country.

OSCE PA Special Rapporteur shall prepare a special report on the
situation in the South Caucasus which will be heard in the OSCE PA’s
fall session scheduled for September 18-21, Toronto.

Karagyozian Lena:
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