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Armenian Church Kolkata to celebrate 300th anniversary update

Armenia Holy Church of Nazareth
2 Armenia Street
Kolkata 700 001
Tel: +91 33 2242 6124
Fax: +91 33 2242 3408
Email: office@armenianchurch.in

Armenian Churches in India
300th Anniversary Celebrations 8-16 November 2008

We are pleased to announce that preparations continue for the organising of
the forthcoming celebrations of the 300th Anniversary of the Armenian Church
in Kolkata. Please find below the finalised programme of events.

Saturday 8th November
Guests invited to the re-consecration at Chennai, should arrive today.

Sunday 9th November
Re-consecration of the Armenian Church at Chennai will be conducted by His
Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos and Supreme Patriarch of all Armenians.

Monday 10th November
Guests invited for the celebrations should arrive in Kolkata by today.
In the evening there will be a welcome Hrashapar service starting the
celebration the 300th anniversary at the Holy Nazareth Church.

Tuesday 11th November
Opening ceremony of the newly constructed Tangra Community
Welcome ceremony of the 300th anniversary celebration
Guests will return to Kolkata via St. Gregory’s so that they can see that
church as well.

Wednesday 12th November
Guests will attend a seminar at Tangra.
Guests will be transported back to Kolkata.
Casual evening function

Thursday 13thth November
All guests will visit the Armenian College today. The school will put on a
show/exhibition for visitors and guests will be able to tour the school
buildings and see how the renovation programme is progressing. There will
also be the ground breaking ceremony for the new sports complex.

Friday 14th November
All guests will visit Saidabad today. This is a long journey of 5 (five)
hours each way. Return late evening to Kolkata.

Saturday 15th November
All guests to visit Chinsurah and Bandel churches.
Formal banquet in the evening.

Sunday 16th November
10.00 Pontifical Mass at the Holy Nazareth Church will bring the
celebrations to a close.

Now that the programme is finalized, it would be greatly appreciated and
extremely helpful, if anyone with a serious intention of coming to Kolkata
to share this experience with us and participate, could let us know as soon
as possible so that we can have an idea of numbers, both at the Chennai
service and then the various events in Kolkata

We have made arrangements with some local hotels for discounted room rates.
To take advantage of these, as they are offered on a first come first serve
basis, please get in touch at the earliest.

Lastly, if you have any old photographs or memorabilia relating to the
Armenians in India we would very much like you to bring them along. With
your permission, we would like to photograph or scan the items and see if we
can put together a book containing all such historical memorabilia supplied
and send out as a commemoration book after the celebrations are over.

If you need any further advice regarding your travel or accommodation, do
not hesitate to contact the Church office office@armenianchurch.in or
either of our two co-ordinators, Helena Cray ram0414@msn.com. for US based
people and Liz Chater liz@chater-genealogy.com for the UK and other

We are all very excited about this wonderful historic occasion and do hope
that we will see as many of you in Kolkata as possible.

Armenian Church
2nd September 2008

Hovhannisian John:
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