As Of September 2, Seven People Held Under Preliminary Arrest By Cri


Noyan Tapan

Se p 2, 2008

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 2, NOYAN TAPAN. The investigation into the criminal
case of Felix Gevorgian and Armen Khurshudian was completed within the
framework of the criminal case being investigated by the RA Special
Investigation Service in connection with the March 1-12 events in
Yerevan. The case of the indicated men was sent to court.

The investigators revealed and substantiated that Felix Gevorgian was
a direct participant in the mass disorder in Yerevan on March 1-2,
2008. In particular, upon learning on March 1 that the meetings in
Yerevan had turned into a mass disorder, F. Gevorgian came to Yerevan
and took part in the mass disorder. At about 9 pm he took his AKMS
rifle and several 7.62 mm cartiridges and came in a taxi to Yerevan
from the village of Zovuni. At about 11.30 pm on the same day,
he was at house No 7, in front of "Eight" Supermarket on Paronian
Street in Yerevan where he fired several shots in the air "with the
aim of offering armed resistance to police". At about 3 am of March
2 when policemen prevented the mass disorder he went back to Zovuni
and hid his rifle in the yard of his house.

On June 26, Marine Gevorgian, Felix Gevorgian’s sister, handed a
homemade machine-gun and a AKMS rifle over to policemen of her own
free will in her home at 23/2 Koryun Street in Yerevan.

The investigators revealed that F. Gevorgian and Armen Khurshudian,
a previously convicted person, of the village of Alashkert (Armavir
marz) stole the indicated arms, as well as 2 grenades, five 5.45-mm
cartridges and 35 5.6-mm cartridges from a cellar of house No 50a on
Yeznik Koghbatsi Street in Yerevan.

Based on the evidence, F. Gevorgian was charged under the RA Criminal
Code’s Article 34-177 part 2 points 1 and 3, Article 235 part 1,
Article 238 part 1 and Article 225 part 2, while A. Khurshudian was
charged under Article 34-177 part 2 points 1, 3 and 4, Article 235
part 1 and Article 238 part 1.

F. Gevorgian and A. Khurshudian admitted their guilt. The criminal
case has been sent to court for examination.

According to the press service of the RA Prosecutor General’s Office,
as of September 2, 7 accused persons are held under preliminary arrest
by the criminal case on March 1-2 events. Precautionary measures other
than arrest were chosen with respect to another 8 accused persons.