BAKU: Ex-Minister Threatens Recognition Of Garabagh "Independence"


AzerNews Weekly
Sept 3 2008

Former Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian recently said that
if the Armenia-Azerbaijan talks on settling the more than 15-year
conflict ends in failure, Yerevan will have no choice but to recognize
the "independence" of Upper (Nagorno) Garabagh, an Azeri region under
Armenian occupation.

"Armenia`s position on the conflict remains unchanged. But Yerevan
should state, as soon as possible, that the fact that Upper Garabagh`s
independence has not been recognized and that such a request has
not been made to any other state so far, is because the principle of
self-determination of the Upper Garabagh people lies at the core of
peace talks," the ex-minister claimed.

Armenia, which is pursuing a policy of occupation and ethnic cleansing,
has occupied over 20% of Azerbaijan`s internationally recognized
territory for over the past decade.

Touching on the unrest in Georgia and the recent Russian invasion,
he said the Armenian government would be unable to take a proper
stance on Moscow`s August 26 recognition of the independence of
Georgia`s rebellious regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia since,
"we are talking not about Abkhazia and South Ossetia but relations
between Russia and the United States."

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on August 26
recognizing the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The move
heightened tensions in the volatile Caucasus region and put a further
strain on Moscow`s relations with the West. Tbilisi denounced the
decision as being in violation of international law. The U.S. and
numerous European powers also condemned the move.