The Number Of People Infected With HIV/AIDS In Armenia Has Grown For

18:18 02/09/2008

>From 1988 to 31 July 2008 613 HIV cases had been registered in the
Republic of Armenia among citizens of the Republic of Armenia with
109 new cases of HIV infection registered in 2007 and 75 – in 2008.

>From 1988 till July 31 2008 only 613 cases of HIV/AIDS infection were
registered among Armenian citizens. In 2007-2008 143 people died from
HIV/AIDS: 121 of them were men and 22 women.

According to the Republican Centre for AIDS Prevention the general
number of HIV infected is 613, 456 are men and 157 women. The number
of AIDS infection cases is 258: 208 men, 50 women.

The survey of HIV/AIDS current situation shows that there are 2800
HIV infected people living in Armenia now.

General statistics of the topic is like this: 1988 – registration of
the first HIV case; the transmission mode is heterosexual intercourse;
1988 – registration of the first AIDS case; 1989 – registration of
the first death from AIDS; 1990 – registration of the first case of
HIV infection through injecting drug use; 1996 – registration of the
first HIV case among women; 2000 – registration of the first case
of HIV transmission through homosexual practice; 2001 – registration
of the first cases of HIV infection and AIDS among children; 2001 –
registration of the first case of child death from AIDS; 2002 – HIV
prevalence among IDUs is in the range of 15%; 2007 – HIV prevalence
among IDUs is in the range of 6.8%

Males constitute a major part in the total number of HIV cases –
456 cases (74.4%), females make up 157 cases (25.6%). 613 reported
cases include 13 cases of HIV infection among children (2.1%).

The overwhelming majority of the HIV-infected individuals (70.5%)
belong to the age group of 20-39.

In the Republic of Armenia the main modes of HIV transmission
are through heterosexual practices (49.1%) and injecting drug
use (44.2%). Additionally, there are also registered cases of
mother-to-child HIV transmission, as well as through blood transfusions
and homosexual practices.