BAKU: Turkey Misses Diplomatic `Goal’

Trend News Agency, Azerbaijan
Sept 5 2008

Turkey Misses Diplomatic `Goal’
05.09.08 18:32

Rufiz Hafizoglu ` Head of Trend News Editorial Staff for Middle East

The visit of the President of Turkey, Abdulla Gul, to Yerevan to watch
the football match between the teams of Armenia and Turkey was
reported by the Presidential Administration on 6 September.

Although the Administration declares that the visit take purely sport
character, it is emphasized that this step can open a way for the new
possibilities between two countries in the future. It is reported that
Gul’s visit to Yerevan gives hope for softening of the tense
situation, which recently appeared in Caucasus. However, the report
conceals one of the main moments. Indeed one of the main culprits of
the tension in Caucasus is precisely Armenia with its policy against
the countries of region.

One of the basic reasons, where the West and the USA turn blind eyes
on Turkey’s action as a mediator in many tense points, is the desire
to, in the future, use the `inclination’ of Ankara toward the
mediation for their political purposes. The policy pursued by the USA
brought its real benefits; Gul will leave for Yerevan to watch the
football match.

Already it is not secret that the visit will take place exactly under
dictate of Washington because Gul’s visit to Yerevan more corresponds
to the interests of Armenia and the USA. Regarding the relations
between Armenia and Turkey, Joseph Pennington, Charge’d’ Affaires of
the U.S. to Armenia, said the following: `Besides the USA, no country
so actively mediate to develop the relations between Armenia and

Touching upon the present situation Armenia’s border with Turkey,
Pennington stated that opening the borders, which have been closed
since 1993, in the near future and developing free trade between the
two countries is very important.

Mentioning his attitude towards the relations of Armenia with Turkey,
the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, Daniel Fried, said the
following: `The tense situation between the two states is advantageous
for no one. The borders between Turkey and Armenia must be opened. The
USA also supports the realization of trans-border dialogue, initiative
of studies between Armenia and Turkey, co-operation on the realization
of conferences and programs of exchange. Turkey must reconcile itself
to the dark pages of its history’.

Fried’s words give grounds to indicate that the Turkish diplomacy
shook loose before the policy, pursued by the USA, and sooner or later
Ankara will step back from its fundamental positions with regards to

At the same time, Armenia with the impatience expect Gul’s visit
because the Armenians were completely prepared for the visit of the
Turkish President to Yerevan.

Armenian President Sargsyan said to CNN: `One neighbour’s visit to
another neighbour is normal. The visit should not be taken as pressure
on the sides. Although no official in Armenia has presented
territorial claims for Turkey, there are structures in Turkey
believing that there is no country named Armenia. In spite of a
territorial problem between Turkey and Armenia, that is not an
obstacle to construct diplomatic relations between the two
countries. Russia, for instance, has territorial problems with China
and Japan, but they also maintain official diplomatic relations.

Sargsyan’s speech gives the ground to say that Armenian officials have
the same territorial claims for Turkey as for other countries in the
region. Through restoration of diplomatic relations with Turkey
Armenia just tries to economically strengthen to fulfil strategic
plans in future.

Taking into consideration Sargsyan’s words `recent events in Georgia
affected Armenia’s economy and a strong fuel crisis emerged in the
country,’ one can guess that establishment of diplomatic relations
with Turkey will enable Yerevan to restore its shaken economy.

First of all, restoration of Armenia’s economy requires opening of
borders and Kars-Gumri railway. Armenian administration will initially
put aside its principles for a while for the sake of country’s
economic development.

Such course of developments may generate domestic tensions in Turkey,
for Gul’s visit to Yerevan has not been taken as unambiguously in
Turkey as in Armenia. Gul’s visit may entail lost of votes of the
governing party and intensify opposition’s activity.

One of the moments worth attention is that it was Gul who criticized
15 years ago the then administration of Suleyman Demirel for Armenian
officials’ visit to Turkey.

Gul, who was then representing Rifah Party, said: `Show me a country
which meets with those who used to kill its brothers. How can one meet
in Turkey with the people who say that Kars is Armenia’s territory?’
Certainly, Armenia has not changed its policy during recent 15 years.

Turks have one proverb which has been forgotten by the Turkish
diplomacy – A soul thirsts neither for tea nor for tea-house. A soul
thirsts for a talk and tea is just a pretext. Sargsyan needs neither
football nor the match… Sargsyan needs opening of borders, and
football is just a pretext.