Conference Dedicated to the 150th Anniversary of Johannes Lepsius

National Academy of Sciences of RA &
Museum-Institute of the Armenian Genocide
Memorial Complex of Tsitsernakaberd
Yerevan 0028, Armenia

Sept 5 2008

International Conference Dedicated to the 150th Anniversary of Johannes Lepsius

The Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute organizes international conference on September 8, 2008 dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the German missionary Johannes Lepsius (1858-1926).

Johannes Lepsius was the long-life friend and supporter of the
Armenian nation. After the massive Armenian massacres (1894-1896) he
permanently did his best to prevent new ones and to help the survivors
of the Armenian Genocide.

He founded hospitals, orphanages, schools and manufactures for
the survivors and refugees of the genocide.

In 1912-1914 Lepsius took part in working out of the Armenian
reforms. In 1919 he published `Germany and Armenia
1914-1918′ (Deutschland und Armenien 1914-1918), the
collection of German diplomatic documents regarding the Armenian Cause
and the Armenian Genocide.

At the conference dedicated to the German missionary Babken
Harutyunyan (YSU), Ashot Hayruni (YSU), Artem Ohanjanyan (Vienna),
Rubina Peroomian (University of California, USA), Andreas Bauman
(Christianity Hilfsbund in Orient, Germany), Tilman Allert (Germany),
Manfred Ashke (Germany) will make speeches.

Date: September 8, 2008
Time: 10:00
Place: Hall of Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of RA
E-mail: [email protected]