Dashnaktsutyun Protests Against Turkey And Not Mr. Gul

Lilit Poghosyan

Hayots Ashkhar Daily
05 Sep 2008

ARMEN ROUSTAMYAN, representative of the ARFD Supreme Body in Armenia
and Head of the NA Committee on Foreign Relations, was the guest
speaker of the National Press Club yesterday

The first question addressed to the speaker was the following: what
does Western Armenia mean to Dashnaktsutyun – a geographical area or
a historical homeland? "For us, Armenia is Armenia in its integrity,
including all its parts: northern, southern, eastern and western. The
Armenia we imagine begins from the Armenian-Turkish border which was
once clearly demarcated by US President Mr. Wilson. And when we say
our goal is to create a free, independent and united Armenia, we mean
the Armenia I just spoke about." A. Roustamyan said in response.

"Why is Dashnaktsutyun against the visit of the Turkish President?"

Touching upon this question, the representative of the Supreme
Body first stated that "Attempts are being made to misrepresent the
activities of Dashnaktsutyun both from inside and outside. We do not
protest against the invitation of our President. We do not even protest
against Mr. Gul. The problem does not consist in that. The problem
consists in how we imagine the regulation of the Armenian-Turkish
relations in general."

There are three main approaches with regard to this issue which has
been raised so assiduously during the recent period.

"The first is that it is necessary to regulate the Armenian-Turkish
relations because we do not have any problem with Turkey. Naturally,
this approach has always been unacceptable to us, but such viewpoint
unfortunately exists in Armenia.

The second approach is that there are problems but it is possible to
circumvent them. This too, is an unacceptable approach for us.

The third approach we are required to follow should, in my opinion,
become the guideline of our foreign policy as well. That’s to say,
there are problems, and they are extremely important. And what’s
more, it is impossible to anticipate a total regulation of the
Armenian-Turkish relations and the establishment of normal relations
between the two countries without solving those problems.

And the importance of those problems is first of all emphasized by
Turkey which voices the four well-known preconditions.

The objective of the protests Dashnaktsutyun is planning to hold
within the frameworks of Mr. Gul’s visit is more than clear. That is,
"to attach importance to the issue of the recognition of the Armenian
Genocide with its three components.

First, the security of Armenia cannot be guaranteed without the
recognition of the Genocide. As long as Turkey, the legal successor of
the Ottoman Empire which perpetrated the Genocide, has not recognize d
the crime, there is always a danger that the Genocide may be repeated.

Therefore, this is not only a matter of the past and morality, but also
a problem bearing a direct relationship to our security at present."

Second, "The recognition of the Genocide is important if we really want
to achieve regional stability and cooperation in the Caucasus. This
is actually something Turkey is currently trying to achieve by its
recent initiative. If the Turkish side is proposing such initiative
but doesn’t recognize the Genocide, this at least gives rise to
serious doubts as to its being frank."

And finally, the next component which emphasizes the urgency of
recognizing the Genocide is that "the process of Turkey’s membership
to the European Union, i.e. the way of becoming a full EU member,
is the recognition of the Genocide. Otherwise, all the commitments
undertaken by Turkey will bear a superficial nature, and Turkey will
be unable to become a European state in the strictest sense of the
word." Furthermore, "if this is really a protest, it is directed
against Turkey’s attitude and not Mr. Gul’s visit or the invitation."

The speaker doesn’t rule out the possibility that some people may try
to undervalue ARFD’s initiative, "lead it to extremes or misrepresent
the activities of Dashnaktsutyun. And why not? There will be people who
will n ot be against the idea of changing the logic of such protests
and inciting provocations."

To avoid undesirable incidents, the organizers have drawn up a
framework of "planned" measures, and in the person of A. Roustamyan,
they announce that "Any step beyond that framework will be directed
against our actions and will naturally be viewed by us as an
unacceptable provocation." And to prevent anything of the kind from
happening, Dashnaktsutyun has instructed all its bodies "to be very
attentive and keep on the alert and not to allow for any deviations
of the kind."

A. Roustamyan presented the schedule of the planned actions. "The first
is the process of meeting the Turkish President in the airport. This
will be a civilized action like many others that have taken place
in other countries many a time. The problems I just spoke about will
be raised. At the moment of Mr. Gul’s visit, there will be a mass of
several thousands of people there, and they will present those issues
just in the airport.

Second, before the start of the game, we have planned a visit to
Tsitsernakaberd and a ceremony of laying flower wreaths. At the same
time, torches will be lit near the memorial during the match. And
while the game is taking place, appeals to recognize the Genocide
will certainly be voiced.

This is our plan, and we will not go beyond its frameworks.

Moreover, this is the minimum of the required actions. And in case
of refraining from them, Armenia may immediately find itself in the
target of the Turkish propaganda, the representative of the Supreme
Body believes. On the very next day, Turkey may announce all over
the world that the Armenians are, as a matter of fact, indifferent
towards the issue of the Genocide because "the Turkish President
visited Armenia for the first time, and it didn’t occur to anyone to
utter a single word concerning the issue."

At the same time, he will consider it as a "proof" of the fact that
this is not an issue concerning Armenia. "This is an issue concerning
the Diaspora, and Armenia is facing no problem in that regard. By
this, we will strike a direct blow to the process of the recognition
of the Genocide, and give a good ‘present’ to Turkey. This is what
Dashnaktsutyun cannot allow to happen. If there are people who haven’t
realized this so far, time will come and they will see that this is
really a matter of our dignity, and we are simply obliged to do that."

Hence, Dashnaktsutyun appeals to all our compatriots to join this
protest, "to raise our questions in a civilized, serious and solid
manner and continue our struggle towards the fair regulation of
our relations."