Gul’s visiting Armenian genocide memorial would be a leap forward


Turkish Daily News: Gul’s visiting Armenian genocide memorial would be
a leap forward
05.09.2008 18:36 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `By visiting Yerevan on Saturday, Gul will in fact
take a giant step for the future. I don’t think that Gul will visit
the genocide monument, but if he were to, history could have opened
the doors wide. Turkey could have made a leap forward, let alone just
a few steps,’ Turkish Daily News observer Cengiz Candar writes.

`Such a gesture has nothing to do with acceptance of genocide. Such a
gesture only means `Gul is cognizant to tragic memories of our common
past. And I, as the president of Turkey, do have respect to all,’ he

Gul will be in Yerevan on Sept. 6 for a qualifying World Cup game
between the Armenian and Turkish national teams.