The Decision To Control The "Movement" Correct


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
05 Sep 2008

Director of the National Security Service under the government
Gorik Hakobyan gives clarifications to "Armenpress" regarding
the announcement made by L. Ter-Petrosyan during his recent press

"During his press conference on September 2 L. Ter-Petrosyan published
a document regarding the interception of ex Foreign Minister Alexander
Arzumanyan’s telephone, which gave ground to various commentaries
and speculations linked with the activity of the National Security

"I must underscore that this "sensational" document is no more than the
decision of Yerevan Center-Nork-Marash Court of General Competences,
in compliance with the norms of the Criminal-Juridical Code on the
interception of ex Foreign Minister Alexander Arzumanyan’s telephone,
which is by the way in the criminal case 62202608 filed against him
and his lawyer has got the copy."

"Is there any base to raise uproar around the before mentioned

Isn’t it a breach of law?"

"The speculations made by Levon Ter-Petrosyan and his followers
regarding the illegal actions of the National Security Service in
connection with March 1 developments are baseless. On the contrary
it was based on this very decision and due to the realization of
certain operative events t hat we managed to inform society about
the illegal actions of certain forces aimed at the destabilization
of the country’s internal political situation."

"And why did the court satisfy the decision on the very day of the
elections, on February 19?"

"For very clear reasons. During the campaign presidential candidate
Levon Ter-Petrosyan and his followers used to call the people to be
ready for civil disobedience, regardless of the election returns,
considering Levon Ter-Petrosyan the "winner" candidate, beforetime,
which was aimed at starting their illegal functions from February
20. Their only goal was to bring Levon Ter-Petrosyan to power, with
all the possible and impossible means, even bloodshed.

And the later political developments displayed that after February
19 Levon Ter-Petrosyan and his followers did what they did. So we
can definitely say that the decision to control the "movement" after
February 19 was correct."

"Human Rights Defender Armen Harutyunyan announced yesterday: "I don’t
have any proves but I can definitely say that my telephone and the
telephones of my colleagues have also been intercepted after March 1."

How would you comment on the announcement made by the Human Rights

"As you know on July the Human Rights Defender appealed to the National
Security Service to guarantee his and his family’ s security. The
National Security Service expressed readiness to take all the necessary
measures in that direction. But the Human Rights Defender didn’t submit
a single fact to ground his application. Later it turned out that
Mr. Hartyunyan’s presumptions were groundless. This time as well the
Human Rights Defender is making, as he says, a baseless announcement."