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Turkey Must Stop Speaking With Pre-Conditions

Naira Khachatryan

Hayots Ashkhar Daily
05 Sep 2008

The Responsible Representative of the Office of Armenian Cause and
Political Issues of ARFD Bureau Kiro Manoyan was the guest of "Urbat"
club yesterday.

After the independence of the Republic of Armenia, by making
pre-conditions, Turkey has refused to establish diplomatic relations
with our country. Kiro Manoyan says in case Turkey doesn’t change
that stance, the visit of the Turkish president to Armenia won’t
change anything. "The visits aimed at advocacy will never change the
atmosphere. There should be a political will, and Turkey is the one
to display that political will. They should change their policy of
the previous 17 years towards Armenia."

"Why did Gyul accept the visit made by Armenian President? Do you think
by this visit the Turkish President will come out with new proposals?"

"In my view Turkey’s interest derives from the notion that their
policy adopted beginning from 1993 (blockade, refusing to establish
diplomatic relations) actually failed. And this fact makes them take
certain steps.

We shouldn’t overlook the fact that the war somehow made the processes
taking place in the region swifter. But I don’t think the Turkish
President will ever cede. The only change will be their refusing
pre-conditions, and their20posture to speak with ultimatums, though
I wouldn’t like to hurry in my optimism," Kiro Manoyan said.

As regards the protest function organized by Dashnaktsutyun party:
"If in our country it is allowed to hold protests against the President
then we can definitely hold a demonstration against the person invited
by the President, especially if it is within the politically accepted

We shouldn’t also forget that it is the first visit of the Turkish
President to Armenia and we must remind him that this visit doesn’t
imply anything, in case we manage to solve the problems existing
between the two countries. We will express our political posture in
a normal accepted form. In my view our President will understand this
and I’m sure our people will participate."

Touching upon the pre-conditions the speaker said: "If we start
speaking with pre-conditions, then we have both political, legal and
moral grounds to make pre-conditions. But we never do that. And they
also don’t have the right to speak with pre-conditions.

The issue of the Genocide is one of their pre-conditions, which is
firstly a matter of security for Armenia. If we start establishing
relations with a country that has committed a crime against us,
against humanity and they don’t want to accept it, to shoulder
the responsibility, how can we be in normal relations with that
state? Artsakh=2 0issue is Turkey’s next pre-condition. They say:
"Either you will do what Azerbaijan wants or we will close the
border." But we are against it. They also dictate us to refuse our
rights, to recognize Kars agreement, which is an illegal document and
has been many times breached by Turkey, itself. These are the issues
that must be discussed."

According to the speaker the opening of the boundary can become an
indicator of changing the stance: "After all Turkey must do that,
if they want to change their hostile attitude towards Armenia. The
blockade that Turkey has started against Armenia is a form of war,
according to the international law. If they want to have normal
relations with Armenia they must at least lift the blockade. But the
opening of the border won’t solve all the issues. We also need a regime
regulating the border, which is possible only after the establishment
of diplomatic relations. Thus Turkey has lots of things to do. But
the opening of the border can be completed very swiftly."

Armenia must be prepared for the opening of the border. "Should we
not be prepared for the opening of the border it can have very bad

For example last week Turkey announced that the government would
pay credits without percentage to the exporters. It will give an
opportunity for invasion, which will harm our economy, in case we
are not well prepared f or that."

Nalchajian Markos:
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