ANKARA: Security tight for Turkish president in Armenia

Hürriyet, Turkey
Sept 6 2008

Security tight for Turkish president in Armenia

Tight security measures were in place in the Armenian capital Saturday
for the first ever visit by a Turkish head of state, aimed at ending
years of animosity between the neighbors.

Turkish President Abdullah Gul plans to hold an historic meeting with
his Armenian counterpart Serzh Sarkisian before attending a World Cup
qualifier between the two nations at Yerevan’s Hrazdan stadium.

Officials said extra measures would be employed on Gul’s route from
the airport and to the match, while media reported that both Turkish
and Armenian snipers would be training their sights across the

"Measures have been taken to strengthen security in connection with
Turkish president Gul’s visit to Yerevan, both inside the stadium
where the football match will take place and in the streets where his
convoy will pass," Armenian police spokesman Varuzhan Balian told AFP.

Armenian newspaper Ayots Ashkar reported that the measures included
high levels of cooperation between Armenian and Turkish security

"From the Turkish side security will be proved by a 50-person team,"
the newspaper wrote.

"Eight Turkish snipers will be positioned within the stadium, along
with Armenian snipers. Bullet-proof glass will be placed in front of
the two presidents and an armoured car has already been prepared for
Gul’s use in Yerevan."