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The beautiful game plays peacemaker

From: "Katia M. Peltekian" <kpeltekian@yahoo.com>
Subject: The beautiful game plays peacemaker

euronews, France
Sept 7 2008

The beautiful game plays peacemaker

Football, it is hoped, will prove to be the key to ending almost a
century of hostility between Turkey and Armenia. Turkish President
Abdullah Gul joined Armenia’s President Serzh Sarksyan at a world cup
qualifying match, the first meeting between the two national sides
which Turkey won 2-0.

The neighbouring countries have no diplomatic ties. Their relationship
remains strained by claims of the `ethnic cleansing’ of Armenians by
Ottoman Turks during the First World War. The two presidents expressed
hope the match would herald a new beginning.

Russia’s decision last month to send its forces into Georgia, which
borders both Armenia and Turkey, has convinced many it is time for the
two nations to end their differences and establish normal
relationships. But even as the two leaders took their seats together
behind bullet-proof glass in the Hrazdan stadium in the Armenian
capital Yerevan, fans booed the Turkish national anthem.

Outside demonstrators waved flags and banners and one group held a
silent vigil at a monument to the war dead near the stadium. President
Sarksyan has promised to attend the return match in October 2009.


Vanyan Gary:
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