According To Raffi Hovannisian, Courage Of Authorities Should Be Exp


Noyan Tapan

Se p 9, 2008

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 9, NOYAN TAPAN. As Raffi Hovannisian said during a
talk with reporters on September 9, the choice of Armen Martirosian
as the chairman of the RA National Assembly "Heritage" faction is
conditioned not so much by R. Hovannisian’s being busy as by the
necessity of natural alternation of generations. He added that
A. Martirosian is a young, promising and intelligent leader.

As regards the meeting of Armenian and Turkish Presidents in
connection with the Yerevan match of the football teams of two
countries, R. Hovannisian considered this step important, at the
same time advising not to have illusions that the whole set of
Armenian-Turkish problems can be solved by means of two or three
mutual visits. In his opinion, Armenian-Turkish relations will not be
established if the sides are not prepared to discuss and solve all
the problems – without exception. "The first step is praiseworthy,
but it presupposes a continuation based not only on mutual respect but
also on the pursuit of the national interests," R. Hovannisian noted.

Commenting on the decision of the Republican Party of Armenia to
change the speaker of the National Assembly, the leader of "Heritage"
party said that the necessity of transparency and being accountable
to society has been much spoken about recently, and the indicated
important decision should have been the result of public political
processes rather than "corridor discussions".

In his words, the society should know the expediency and motives of
such decisions.

R. Hovannisian informed reporters that he will not take part in the
upcoming session of the PACE. According to him, altough he continues to
be a member of the Armenian delegation in the PACE, he has suspended
his participation in the PACE work. He expressed a hope that that by
September 21 he will have reasons for reconsidering his decision and
resuming his participation. "If we speak about bold and courageous
steps in Turkish relations, they should be seen first of all within
Armenia, in internal political problems," R. Hovannsian said.