Artashes Geghamian Expresses Positive Opinion About Activities Of Ar


Noyan Tapan

Se p 9, 2008

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 9, NOYAN TAPAN. The leader of "National Unity"
(NU) party Artashes Geghamian has a positive opinion about the reforms
initiated by Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan in tax and customs
administration sector.

Besides, as he stated at the September 9 meeting of the NU
activists, there are positive tendencies in the traffic police
work, in particular, even "thick-necked drivers" now cannot avoid
responsibility for violation of traffic rules. There has been progress
in foreign policy as well, according to NU leader. This progress is
related to S. Sargsyan’s willingness to continue strategic partnership
with Russia, his decision to invite Turkish President Abdullah Gul
to Yerevan, and his appeal to Diasporan businessmen to make big
investments in homeland.

A. Geghamian also spoke about the work of the government headed by
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsian, saying that the prime minister’s
quotations from Nerses Shnorhali in recent months are especially
impressive. In the words of A. Geghamian, the government program’s
provisions that envisage turning Armenia into an educational,
financial and scientific center are praiseworthy. "I do not consider
as correct the accusations published in the newspapers supporting
Levon Ter-Petrosian to the effect that the prime minister’s projects
resemble the wish of the main character of a famous movie to create
"New Vasyuki", he noted.

At the same time, according to A. Geghamian, there are some worrying
indices in the economy, in particular, the export growth rate has
declined: in January-June 2008 exports made up only 85% of the index
of the same period of 2007. A. Geghamian added that he would refrain
from announcing other data as the "people of Levon" may use it during
their meetings.