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Ararat Zurabian Sure Of His Victory In Prefect Elections


Noyan Tapan

Se p 12, 2008

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 12, NOYAN TAPAN. No matter how hard the authorities
try to hinder the people’s movement they will not be able to stop
the wave of people’s discontent, and without fail very many people
will take part in the opposition rally fixed for September 15. Ararat
Zurabian, the Board Chairman of the Armenian National Movement party,
stated at the September 12 press conference. He reported that the
Armenian National Congress is going to hold a number of well-organized
events in the near future.

As regards prefect elections of the Kentron Yerevan community to
be held in late September, A. Zurabian said that his decision to
run for prefect’s post is conditioned by the circumstance that this
community is a small model of the whole country, therefore victory
in these elections acquires much significance. He stated that he has
a large electorate and is sure of his victory. In response to the
question of whether he will manage to keep the votes received in the
elections, A. Zurabian said: "Unfortunately, Armenia has a problem
of keeping votes, which is evidence that the authorities not enjoying
population’s confidence falsify the results of the elections. We will
try to do our best to secure our victory."

Kharatian Ani:
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