About 300 citizens of Turkey visited AGMI in Yerevan within 4 days

About 300 citizens of Turkey visited Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute
in Yerevan within 4 days

2008-09-13 12:40:00

ArmInfo. About 300 citizens of Turkey visited the Armenian Genocide
Museum- Institute in Yerevan within 4 days in September, Director of
the Museum-Institute Hayk Demoyan told journalists, Saturday.

`We have not seen such activeness of Turkish citizens for a long time.
It should be noted that our museum was visited by representatives of 30
Turkish and foreign media accredited in Turkey’, he said. According to
him, the Turkish visitors showed special interest in the museum’s new
exposition entitled `The Armenian Sport in the Ottoman Empire’. `The
Turks were amazed at the fact that for the first time Turkey was
represented at the Olympic Games by Armenian sportsmen, as earlier this
information was unavailable for them for quite known reasons’, Demoyan
said in conclusion.