BAKU: Member of Euro Parl Invites Azerbaijan, Armenia to Join EU…

Trend News Agency, Azerbaijan
Sept 13 2008

Member of European Parliament Invites Azerbaijan and Armenia to Join
EU to Resolve Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict
13.09.08 14:35

Poland, Krynitsa, 13 September/ TrendNews, corr V. Sharifov/ The
European Union can solve problem in Caucasus related to the Armenian
`Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, member of European Parliament
from Lithuania Vitautas Landsbergis said.

`Only EU can reconcile Azerbaijan and Armenia in the issue of
Nagorno-Karabakh,’ said Landsbergis, who took part in 18th economic
forum in Polish city of Krynitsa.

Landsbergis sees the way out of the long-drawn conflict between
Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh in the admission to EU
which includes 27 states at present.

`If Azerbaijan and Armenia will join EU, there will be no problems as
in fact, there will be no borders between the two countries,’
Landsbergis, ex-president of Lithuania said.

He said, however, admission of Azerbaijan and Armenia to EU will not
take place any time soon.

`But Russia will not let solve the problem in this way. It contradicts
Russia’s interests,’ he said in seminar EU-South Caucasus: Perspective
Spheres of Economic Cooperation held within the framework of forum.