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Bryza describes Caucasus Stability & Cooperation Pact constructive


Bryza describes Caucasus Stability & Cooperation Pact constructive
13.09.2008 15:34 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ U.S. Co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Matthew Bryza
described Turkey’s Caucasus Stability & Cooperation Pact.

`I welcome the efforts for normalization of the Armenian-Turkish
relations. The Presidents of Turkey and Armenia took a political risk
and manifested courage. However, despite the Turkish-Armenian
activation, the work at Basic Principles on the Nagorno Karabakh
conflict resolution should be completed,’ he said.

Turkey’s President Abdullah Gul was in Yerevan on Sept. 6 to watch a
World Cup qualifier between the Armenian and Turkish national
teams. Before the match, the heads of state discussed possibilities to
normalize bilateral relations. They also referred to the Caucasus
Stability and Cooperation Platform meant to bring together Armenia,
Turkey, Georgia and Russia. President Sarsgyan welcomed the initiative
as an attempt to create a favorable atmosphere in the region.

Yesterday, Gul formally invited his Armenian counterpart Serzh
Sargsyan to Istanbul to watch a return match.

Nargizian David:
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