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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: We In Iran Will Be Glad To Receive Armenian Pre


2008-09-16 18:54:00

ArmInfo. During his visit to Iran Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward
Nalbandyan met with the president, foreign minister, speaker of the
Mejlis and the secretary of the Supreme National Security Council
of Iran.

The press service of the Foreign Ministry of Armenia reports that
Nalbandyan and President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad discussed
the latest development in the region. Nalbandyan thanked Iran
for helping Armenia to transport vital cargos via its territory
during the crisis. The parties pointed out that Armenia and Iran
enjoyed effecitive economic cooperation and had lots of mutually
beneficial economic programs. They expressed commitment to deepen
their cooperation. Nalbandyan and Ahmadinejad exchanged views
concerning the prospects for establishing cooperation and stability
in the region. Ahmadinejad pointed out the importance of developing
multilateral relations with Iran and said that they in Iran would be
glad to receive President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan.

Nalbandyan and Foreign Minister of Iran Manouchehr Mottaki discussed
bilateral programs in politics, economy, culture, energy and
transport. They confirmed their commitment to develop bilateral
relations on a mutually beneficial basis. Nalbandyan and Mottaki
discussed the latest development in the region and their influence
on the regional stability and security.

Nalbandyan pointed out that Armenia had always advocated establishment
of peace and stability in the region.

He said that Armenia believed that any disputable question had to be
resolved peacefully through negotiations and dialogue. Mottaki asked
Nalbandyan to tell him about the present stage of the Nagorno-Karabakh
peace process and the prospects for its resolution. Nalbandyan said
that resolution was possible if the parties showed polotical will and
if the right of the Nagorno-Karabakh people to self-determination
was respected. He told Mottaki about Armenia’s attitude to the
possibility of Armenian-Turkish rapprochement. Nalbandyan thanked
Mottaki for the careful attitude of the Iranian authorities to
Armenian historical-cultural monuments, particularly, St.Stefanos
and St.Tadevos monasteries.

During his meeting with speaker of the Mejlis (Parliament) of Iran
Ali Larijani Nalbandyan pointed out that the Armenian community of
Iran had two deputies in the Iranian parliament. He said that Armenia
gave high priority of parliamentary diplomacy as a way to strengthen
and development bilateral relations.

Nalbandyan also met with Secretary of the Supreme National Security
Council Said Jalili. The parties pointed out the importance of
cooperation between the national security councils of the two

Tumanian Talar:
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