AGBU Hye Geen Young Women’s Circle: Announcing 2009 Conference

AGBU Hye Geen Young Women’s Circle
Media Contact: Nellie Yacoubian
(818) 292 – 3470
[email protected]


AGBU Hye Geen Young Women’s Circle is Seeking Research and Presenters for
the 2009 Conference "An Armenian Woman’s Journey"

Pasadena, Calif., September 17, 2008 – AGBU Hye Geen, an organization
focusing on the issues facing Armenian women today, while preserving and
honoring their achievements, has reactivated the Young Women’s Circle as a
means of staying relevant about the challenges facing the current generation
of Armenian women now living in the United States.

The Conference was launched in 2005 to address topics such as
assimilation, language,
identity, philosophy, and religious practice in a contemporary context. This
year’s conference continues to focus on the status of Armenian communities
living in the U.S., with a particular focus on the Armenian Woman’s Journey.
The goal of the conference is to explore the issues faced today by the
Armenian woman in the various stages of her development from childhood to
maturity. The Young Women’s Circle has issued a call for papers. The
deadline for submission is November 30, 2008; the submission must be an
outline for the topic, a brief description of the research, its date of
completion and a biography along with a photo of the researcher or

The selected papers will be presented at the conference and published in the
2009 AGBU "Hye Geen" periodical formerly known as Ganayk Hayots (Armenian

About AGBU Hye Geen 2009 Conference: The Status of Armenian Communities
Living in the United States: An Armenian Woman’s Journey

The conference will take place at the California State University of Los
Angeles (CSULA) on Saturday, April 18, 2009 in cooperation with CSULA’s
School of Social Work and the Alpha Epsilon Omega Fraternity.

Submissions may be sent via postal mail or e-mail to:

AGBU Hye Geen Young Women’s Circle
Att: Nellie Yacoubian
835 Saint Katherine Drive
La Canada, CA 91011
[email protected]

Subjects for the 2009 Conference: An Armenian Woman’s Journey

v In the Beginning (0-20yrs)

§ The inherent differences in social and cultural norms in raising sons
daughters and what they are.

· At what ages the condition begins.

· Social norms and customs unique to the Armenian culture.

§ The educational expectations of Armenians versus the culture in which

· Are parents reluctant to choose the best education option if it
requires the student to move away from home?

v Getting There (20-40yrs)

§ The importance of allowing the time and space for the development of
independent identity at the cusp of adulthood.

§ The difficulty of developing and the necessity of preserving individual
identity amidst the many roles assumed by women.

§ A Single Woman. What is her needs and role?

v Are We There Yet? (40-60yrs)

§ A Single Mom: What is her experience like?

§ Women and Politics. Can women reach the top?

§ The necessity and importance of a social network on a woman’s mental and
physical health.

v Reaping the Rewards (60+ yrs)

§ How does our society perceive the needs of a woman who is 50+.

Attention colleagues in the disciplines of psychology, social work,
sociology and related fields who have conducted research about

Armenians living in the United States.

This is the fourth annual Interdisciplinary Conference "The Status of
Armenian Communities Living in the United States." The Conference will bring
together researchers, educators and community groups to explore social,
cultural and psychological areas related to Armenians living in the United

¨ The Conference will be on Saturday, April 18, 2009 at California
State University, Los Angeles.

¨ The Call for Participation seeks the sharing of studies conducted
educators, researchers, social service providers and students to further
increase our understanding of the present Armenian community — in
psychology, social work and related fields. Participants may present
papers, literature reviews or hold symposia and roundtable discussions.

¨ Email [email protected] to obtain the Submission
Guidelines section for abstract and proposal guidelines. Indicate preferred
method of presentation: oral paper, symposia, poster or roundtable.

¨ The deadline for submission is November 30, 2008.

¨ Coming Soon! Further information about the conference can be found

The conference is sponsored by the Armenian General Benevolent Union
(AGBU), Hye Geen and Forum for Armenian Cultural and Social Studies (FACSS)
in partnership with California State University, Los Angeles, School of
Social Work and Alpha Epsilon Omega Fraternity. We encourage your
participation in this critical opportunity to enrich our understanding of
Armenians living in the United States.

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