Press Statements Following Talks With President Of Azerbaijan Ilham


President of the Russian Federation
S ept 16 2008


Ladies and gentlemen!

I would like to say a few words on the occasion of the visit of
our distinguished guest, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Geidarovich
Aliyev. First and foremost, I would like once again to welcome Ilham
Geidarovich and express my gratitude for the fact that we have been
able to have this consultation during a busy period in the life of
Azerbaijan: the presidential elections are just beginning. We are
delighted that Ilham Geidarovich found time to travel to Moscow
to discuss the current situation, our bilateral relations and
international issues.

We naturally talked about the development of Russian-Azerbaijani
relations, economic relations, social relations and cultural and
educational relations. We discussed international issues, and of course
I am referring to an exchange of information in connection with the
crisis that happened some time ago in the Caucasus. I informed Ilham
Geidarovich in detail of the steps that Russia has taken to ensure
security in the Southern Caucasus, and I believe that our active
engagement, Russian-Azerbaijani cooperation on all issues, is one of
the key factors for maintaining security and stability in the region.

During the talks, we naturally touched on business cooperation and
on those issues which seem to us crucial in this regard. Our trade is
growing very quickly, and we talked in detail about that. In general,
it shows that our economic relations have hit a new level, the level
of strategic cooperation. This is very useful, useful for Russia,
useful for Azerbaijan and useful for our peoples. Even during the past
seven months, trade has increased by more than half, by 56 percent,
which shows the growth potential in this area, and we intend to give
it our constant attention.

The improvement in the composition of trade is very important, as
the President of Azerbaijan said at the opening of these talks. I
completely agree with him on this point. Trade is simply crucial for
the development of our economies.

The cultural and educational dimension is of course a separate
issue. And indeed here we have also had very good results. We are
grateful for the leadership shown by the President of Azerbaijan
and for the efforts being made to preserve the Russian cultural and
educational space in the country. In this regard we talked about
opening a campus of Moscow State University, about other projects
in the field of general education, and about cooperation in cultural
spheres generally. I believe that of course this is the legacy that
we must work to maintain and to which we as presidents must give our
very serious attention.

Of course, the subject of the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement came up in
our discussions. I would like once again to confirm in front of this
audience what I said to the President of Azerbaijan. We support the
continuation of direct talks between the presidents of Azerbaijan and
Armenia. The position of Russia on this issue remains unchanged. In
the future we will do as much as we possibly can to find a mutually
acceptable solution to this complex issue. I think we are right to
expect discussions on this issue to be taken up again in the very
near future.

Once again, I would like to thank my colleague Ilham Geidarovich Aliyev
for allowing this visit to take place today and for the constructive
conversation. And I believe that the fact that we are talking and
meeting so often will benefit our peoples, our nations and ultimately
the security and stability in our region.

The meeting was useful and interesting, and of course we will continue
discussions in the near future.

Thank you.

Ilham Geidarovich, please go ahead.


First, I would like to thank Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev for the
invitation to visit Moscow and hold this meeting.

As Dmitry Anatolyevich has noted, we have had an intensive series
of meetings, and this reflects the nature of relations between our
countries. We met several times and every time have had a lot of
topics for discussion. Naturally the focus has been on bilateral
relations. Relations between Russia and Azerbaijan are developing
very dynamically and positively, and they are also having a positive
impact on regional developments.

We are enjoying very active economic interaction, very active
political dialogue, and close cooperation in the cultural and
educational spheres. In all these areas and in others we have
seen steady development. The growth of economic potential in both
Russia and Azerbaijan is responsible for the dynamic development of
economic facilities and industrial companies. We have discussed mutual
investment and joint projects, which of course will further strengthen
our relations. We are neighbours, we have a common border both on land
and at sea. And relations between neighbours are very important. Not
always are relations between neighbours what we would like them to be,
but in the case of relations between Russia and Azerbaijan, I believe
they are exemplary and can serve as an example of how relations between
neighbours should be. We are very pleased with this and look forward
to continue to make every effort to develop our relations, expanding
into new areas, developing new projects and thus contributing to the
sustained development of our countries and the greater integration
in the region.

Of course today the situation in the region raises considerable
concerns, and Azerbaijan is ready to contribute in order to reduce
tensions. We believe that the issues that cause disagreement in the
region should be resolved peacefully, through dialogue, by finding
common ground and, of course, on the basis of mutual respect.

Today, along with issues of a bilateral nature, we discussed
regional developments and the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. We are looking forward to Russia’s
continuing its active role in the settlement process as co-chair of
the OSCE Minsk Group.

Despite the complexity of the circumstances in the Caucasus region,
we feel that there are good preconditions for the settlement of the
conflict, which would benefit all nations and would be based on the
principles of international law. In the event that the conflict can be
resolved soon, I’m sure that this will open new prospects for regional
cooperation in a broader format that will benefit all countries.

We live in this region and will continue to live in this region;
we are neighbours, and no one is moving out of the region. It
is therefore necessary to seek and find effective mechanisms for
cooperation, good-neighbourliness and concerted action. Once again,
I want to say that if relations between all the neighbouring
countries in the region were like the relations between Russia
and Azerbaijan, I can assure you that there would be no conflict,
not even a misunderstanding. Therefore, once again I want to say
that we very much appreciate the level of our relations. We intend
to keep building on them. And, for my part, I will do everything in
the future to achieve this goal.

Here of course issues related to the cultural sphere are very
important. And Dmitry Anatolyevich noted that Azerbaijan has a very
thoughtful attitude to the Russian language and to Russian culture. We
don’t merely pay lip service to this. Perhaps the general public is
not as aware of this as it could be, perhaps we have not been actively
enough engaged in what is now called public relations, but we believe
that it is better to do our work faithfully and honestly, and the
information in any case will find its way to the proper audience.

I want to thank the President of Russia again for the invitation and
for creating an environment that, as usual, has enabled us to discuss
things very openly and honestly, the way comrades do. More generally
this is a reflection of the spirit and character of our relations.

Thank you.