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The First Programs Of Subregional Development Are Being Discussed


Azat Artsakh Daily
12 Sep 08
Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

On September 8th in Arevshat village of Hadrut region assizes
of government took place, by the head of NKR prime minister Ara
Harutyunyan. As the NKR prime minister informed, on the basis of the
government activity, which includes the pre-election program of the
NKR President Bako Sahakyan, was the principle of territorial balanced
development of Artsakh’s economy.

The carrying out of the enlarged assizes in Banadzor subregion
of Hadrut region and devotion of the first program of subregional
development to the village group of this region was not accidental,
because from the point of view of prosperity today the villages of
this region are in the worst conditions. It is the third program
worked out by the Ministry of agriculture and is called a program
of 2009-2013 of the development of agriculture in the communities
of Banadzor subregion of Hadrut region. The aim of the program
Representing the agricultural program of the subregion’s development,
the NKR prime minister noted, that it is directed to the effective
use of today’s agrarian, working, material and technical resources,
as a result of which perequisites will be created directed to the
increase of living standard of the population, prevention of flowing
out, improvement of demographical indices. Parallely the problems of
employment of the population, restoration of village substructures,
reprocessing and realization of agricultural provisions will be
solved. A socio-economical and cultural program will be also NKR
prime minister informed, that the program of subregional development
won’t be limited only by agriculture. Parallel with it programs of
socio-cultural, development of substructures are also foreseen. After
the assizes the prime minister and the officilas accompanied him
had a walk in Arevshat village. They were in the school: it is in
unsafe condition. This year here the construction of a new school
building will begin, which will be finished next year. A meeting of
the population of Arevshat took place with republican and regional
leaders. The prime minister Ara Harutyunyan briefly represented the
programs realized by the state.Speaking about demographical situation,
NKR prime minister informed, that in the villages of subregion works
of flat construction would be realized briskly.It is foreseen to
construct in Arevshat a great residential district. In two weeks
the workers of the ministry of agriculture will be here again, and
the discussion will be promoted within the circles of the people,
who had already studied the program deeply.

Khondkarian Raffi:
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