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Governor Schwarzenegger Commemorates Armenian Independence Day


23.09.2008 11:33

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger joined with Armenian
Americans in marking the 17th anniversary of the independence of the
Republic of Armenia.

Schwarzenegger congratulated all Armenians in California on September
21, 2008 which marks Armenia’s independence in 1991 from decades of
soviet rule.

"Greetings to all who have gathered to celebrate Armenian Independence
Day. California is home to a fantastic mix of customs and cultures,
and today, I thank our Armenian-American residents for the wonderful
influence you have on our state. Your many contributions enrich
our communities, strengthen our economy and touch the lives of your
fellow Californians.

It’s a distinct honor to join you in commemorating this special
occasion. As an immigrant, I know firsthand the joy that comes in
celebrating your ancestral roots. Days like this not only remind us
of time-honored traditions, but also of the great diversity that we
enjoy here in our Golden State.

On behalf of all Californians, I wish you a memorable observance and
every future success," Arnold Schwarzenegger said.

Chalian Meline:
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