A1+ – The Soldier Turned Into A Handicap


[07:05 pm] 25 September, 2008

Another parent joined the parents of the deceased soldiers holding
protests in front of the government building every Thursday. Artur
Grigoryan, who is completing his military service in the N military
unit of Goris, has not died, but he is a 2nd degree handicap because,
according to his parents, the commander had severely beaten him.

"I sent my healthy son to the army, but the commander beat him so
much that the doctors had to remove the bones inside his brain," told
"A1+" the mother of the soldier Lyusya Antonyan.

After the incident Artur was released from military service and he will
soon go through plastic surgery. The cries of Artur Grigoryan and the
mothers of the four dead soldiers did not bother the ministers and
NA deputies rushing to work, but they did disturb Justice Minister
Gevorg Danielyan and NA deputy Anahit Bakhshyan. Danielyan invited
the parents to the ministry in order to examine the cases of their
sons in detail, while Bakhshyan promised to raise the issue concerning
the dead soldiers during the next four-day parliamentary session.

"We demand that the government create a temporary committee to punish
the murderers," told "A1+" Robert-father of Gegham Sergoyan who was
executed by the commander for not wearing his belt and hat in the
military unit of Martakert. Tigran Ohanjanyan died in the village
of Kartchaghbyur. Seeing their son’s body, Tigran’s parents couldn’t
believe that he had been electrocuted.

The mother of Nairi Isakhanyan, who had died three years ago in the
N military unit of Goris, told "A1+" that they had beaten her son
to death and then executed the carcass. "They have not provided me
with the conclusion of the forensic investigation to date," says
Nairi’s mother Gyulvard Aghajanyan. Many passer-bys got emotional
as they saw the pictures of the dead soldiers. "They see it for the
first time and cry. What would you do if you had raised them for 18
years?" asked the parents of the soldiers.