Baku: Presidential Elections In Azerbaijan To Be Discussed At PACE S


TREND Information
25.09.08 11:32

Azerbaijan, Baku, 24 September / corr Trend News I.Alizade / Results
of presidential elections to be held in Azerbaijan will be discussed
at the winter session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council
of Europe (PACE) in January 2009.

"Issues regarding Azerbaijan will be considered during the winter
session," Samed Seyidov, the head of the Azerbaijani delegation to
the PACE, the chairman of the permanent parliamentary commission on
international and interparliamentary relations of the Milli Majlis
[Parliament] told Trend News on 24 September.

The presidential elections in Azerbaijan will be held on 15
October. PACE autumn session will be held in Strasbourg, France,
from 29 September to 3 October. On its first day the session will take
reports on elections held in Macedonia, Mexico and Montenegro, a report
by Russian Speaker Boris Gryzlov. Major theme of discussions will be
the situation in Balkans and Kosovo. Furthermore, the gathering will
ratify the European Convention on preservation of national architecture
monuments and hold discussions on Social health and family, Culture
situation of Kurds.

The agenda of the autumn session does not include any issue on
Azerbaijan, as the country is in the run up to the presidential

During the autumn session it is not planned to hold a meeting of the
PACE Ad Hoc Committee on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, or elect the new
chairman of this committee, Seyidov said.

"Over two days the session will mull over conflict between Georgia
and Russia. Members of the PACE Ad Hoc Committee on Georgian-Russian
conflict have left for Russia. The delegation will shortly visit
Georgia. The session will discuss the results of visit and a report
to be developed in this respect, Seyidov said.

Azerbaijan supports the territorial integrity of Georgia and the
parliamentary delegates to the PACE will come out from this position
at the PACE session. "Azerbaijan recognizes territorial integrity
of Georgia. We want solution to the conflict within the framework
of international norms, territorial integrity and inviolability of
borders, as well as peace in the region," Seyidov said.

The delegation will leave for Strasbourg on 27 September.