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Opposition Never Shoulders Any Responsibility

Lilit Poghosyan

Hayots Ashkhar Daily
25 Sep 2008

Leader of the People’s Party of Armenia, newly made "congressman"
Stepan Demirchyan was the guest of "Urbat" club yesterday and the
"selection" of the internal political entangled string was the topic
of the press conference.

Leader of the People’s Party of Armenia doesn’t have great expectations
regarding the results of the activity of NA temporary committee
investigating March 1-2 developments but "…it is really important
to find the guilty and to call them to liability.’

"Is the conversation also about those who led the participants of the
"spontaneous" demonstration to Myasnikyan’s Statue, moreover they
strictly recommended not to leave the "scene of action", ordering them
"to stand up to the end" and wait for LTP’s order?"

The leader didn’t like the question of "Hayots Ashkharh" daily.

"I have touched upon this question many times. But I have to repeat,
what happened on March 1 was the aftermath of the falsifications and
violence which took place during the Presidential elections." The
speaker over again repeated the radical’s version regarding March 1.

Secondly: "What happened near the French Embassy was the aftermath
of the use of20force against the peaceful demonstrators in
the morning. This was the reason. And by the way it was really a
"spontaneous" demonstration. There were proposals to take the people to
Matenadaran, but some people were against it. Was there any guarantee
that the situation wouldn’t have been worse in that case?"

And after all: "Certain emotional expressions don’t give grounds to say
that it was an attempt of a coup d’état." To be short the opposition
doesn’t take responsibility for anything, the authorities are to
blame for everything. Because they didn’t resign immediately after the
first demand of the pro-oppositional activists, didn’t serve on the
tray all the levers of governing to all those who wanted to take them.

"On March 2 Ter-Petrosyan called his friends and told them he
was peacefully sleeping for 8-9 hours. It has been stated on the
presidential level and no one has refuted it.

The data of the interceptions have also been published, which
evidently show that during his conversation with Alik Arzumanyan,
at 04.30 p.m., on March 2 when it was clear that there have been
victims, the "pan-national" leader evidently approved the results:
"Everything is really ok."

Does this say anything to S. Demirchyan?"

No! Instead of answering our question Demirchyan simply changed the
subject of the conversation. "Firstly toda y I read in your newspaper
that during the conversation with me Ter-Petrosyan said that he doesn’t
have any problem. Frankly I don’t remember such conversation. But
that means his conscience is quiet.

Then all of a sudden he started the following wise idea in a very
angry tone: "As regards the interception it would have been better to
intercept the telephone conversation between Robert Kocharyan and the
other murderer I don’t want to give his name. And if they didn’t do
it, who must shoulder responsibility for that. When you hear those
interceptions it becomes clear that there has been no attempt of a
coup d’état. There have been certain emotional announcements. But
there is no proof regarding a coup d’état."

"Ok. So what is the attitude of the speaker regarding the separation
of the people between friends and lees, "nomads and settled?"

"Very negative," he said in response to the question of "Hayots
Ashkharh" daily. "But let’s be fair. For many years these authorities
used to separate our people between friends and strangers. We are
struggling against it. Of course it is a negative phenomenon but it
is the policy pursued by the ruling authorities that led to similar
intolerable situation."

So in this case as well they lay blame on the ruling power, not
the radical opposition that has made "hayas tantsy-kharabaghtsy"
their flag, and especially Ter-Petrosyan for whom Diaspora is
"orange-eaters", Karabakh is the 5th echelon. A person who hinders
the regular development of Armenia, because of his personal interests.

–Boundary_(ID_HNOpJgt0zHmxsV/H8hDcDA) —

Vardanian Garo:
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