Turkey Tries To Oppose The Official Yerevan To Diaspora


AZG Armenian Daily


The enthusiasm in Turkish officials and representatives’ speeches on
Armenian-Turkish relations prompts that the Turkish government has
great expectations of the Armenian authorities. Moreover, as long as
the Genocide recognition remains the knottier question for Turkey, the
Turkish officials will speak more enthusiastically about formation of
a joint body. As enthusiastically that even Turkish Foreign Minister
Ali Babacan assured the Turkish and international news agencies
on September 10 after Serzh Sargsian – Abdullah Gul meeting that
"the issue should be observed as settled, as Serzh Sargsian gave his
consent to it (creation of such a body)".

In other words, without even creating such a body and discussing
any question, the Turkish authorities try to form an international
opinion about stopping the process of the Genocide recognition in
order to prepare a diplomatic-advocating march in the nature "We are
negotiating. Why are you hindering us from doing it?"

Moreover, not only the Turkish advocacy but also the consent
of the executive bodies of the countries that restrain their
parliamentarians from raising the issue of the Genocide contribute
to the above-mentioned.

Ali Babacan, like other Turkish representatives, show an unusual
thoughtfulness for the people of Armenia underlining their sufferings
and needs without even asking himself what percent of those sufferings
are because of Turkish enmity. Of course, not the compassion is
the reason of the Turkish Foreign Minister’s crocodile tears but
the aspiration to oppose Armenia to Diaspora. "On the one hand
the suffering people, on the other hand the well-off and surfeited
Diaspora that is in a position of power in Europe and United States",
Ali Babacan said adding, "The agendas of these two are different".

We cannot agree with the last expression and want to correct it – the
difference is not between the Armenians in motherland and Diaspora,
but between the official Yerevan and the people in general.

Yes, the governments sometimes may have agendas different from
their people. And the governments cannot demand lands if in case
of negative answer they have no ready guns. And not even repayment
for the sufferings and losses. But different (agendas) doesn’t mean
opposite. And the Armenian authorities should be very cautious in
their announcements and statements, in order there will not be contrary
agendas and in order our opponents will not take the opportunity. On
the contrary, the agendas should be systematized, and distribution
of roles should be organized.