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Unprecedented Forgery Of Ancient Mesopotamian History Expected To Tr

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

American Chronicle
September 25, 2008

In five previous articles, we revealed several recent aspects of the
Anglo-French colonial involvement (by means of gullible local proxies)
in parts of the Asiatic Middle East inhabited by the Aramaean Nation,
which after three (3) millennia of existence became the target
of Western European colonial policies. ("the Ongoing Aramaean
Genocide, the Fabricated Pseudo-Assyrian Nation, and Kurdish
Terrorists" / ;
& quot;Looming End of Oriental Christianity: Unholy Alliance
of ´Kurdish´ Terrorists with Pseudo-Assyrians" /
; "Anti-Christian
Unholy Alliance: the Forged "Assyrian" Pseudo-Nation and the PKK
Terrorists" / ;
& quot;Pseudo-´Assyrians´ and ´Kurdish´ Terrorists: Liars Fostering
Chaos and Genocide" / ;
& quot;Political Hypocrisy and Historical Forgery by Pseudo-Assyrians and
Kurdish Terrorists" / ).

Under the auspices of the Apostate Freemasonic Lodge which controls
the colonial establishments of France and England, a ´holy alliance´
has been forged between the terrorist "Kurdish" organization PKK
(practically speaking a construction of the French secret services)
and the ´Assyrianist´ organizations of the Aramaeans. This further
endangers the survival of the Aramaean Nation, either the nationally
integral and conscious Aramaeans or the disoriented and bamboozled

In this article, we will continue the re-publication of the
insightful research which was first published in the Aramaean website
More particularly, we republish translated
(by the Aram Nahrin team – from Turkish) excerpts from the Kurdish
newspaper Berxwedan that relate to discussions (lit. proceedings of a
meeting held on 22.4.1993) between the "chairman" APO of the terrorist
organization PKK and the board of Assyrian Democratic Organization.

The brusque falsification of the Ancient and Christian History
of Mesopotamia became apparently the foundation on which the two
terrorist organizations intentionally base their effort for another
Hell in the multi-divided region. We will complete the present series
in a forthcoming article. And in further articles, we will refute the
forgeries and demonstrate on what evil purpose they have composed them.

Translation of Berxwedan

Kurdish Newspaper Berxwedan of 15 June 1993, Page 18

A.D.O (continued): None of these powers have so far recognized us as
a nation with culture and civilization. This problem is so far even
not haven made discussable. All these matters together caused that our
people is being considered as a sort of black (undesired) table. And
this also is the cause for their Diaspora. The previously discussed
issue of Diaspora does not mean that we want to learn something about
Diaspora, but that our people return to their motherland that is what
we want to say. It is difficult to explain this to our people. To
explain the matter more accurately in this regard, it is necessary
also to give account of the in history known Arameans.

Chairman APO: Of course, I wish also to hear about that.

A.D.O: The Arameans are also a part of the Assyrians.

Chairman APO: In which era did they live?

A.D.O: In the history they appear in the year 1500 BC. They were living
in the area of Assyrians, that is to say, the two rivers (Tigris,
Euphrates). Even if the Arameans are considered as a separate people,
they thoroughly were connected with the Assyrians as regards their
culture and civilizations and after that they vanished anyway.

Chairman APO: Okay, what is their origin?

A.D.O: We can say that they are the descendants of the Assyrians of
Mesopotamia. For sure, they are no Arabs. The meaning of the word
"Oromoye" (Aram) in Syriac is "Big", "High". At the same time "Aram"
is also a name. For this reason they apply this name to themselves.

Chairman APO: One of our neighboring village also has a name Aram. In
that case this word must also have been originating from Syriac. In
other words, you say that the Aramean are not Arabs.

A.D.O: Absolutely, they are no Arabs. Their language is also called
Aramaic. Also our language which we now speak is actually Aramaic,
yet in our days it is called Syriac. We can put it like this: in
literature Aramaic is also being called Syriac. In the church still
Aramaic is used.

Chairman APO: I thought that many Arameans lived in Urfa, for there
still traces of civilization can be found.

Page 18, Column 2

A.D.O: Yes. They lived in the area of Hakkaria to Urfa. In particular
they were concentrated in the environs of Midyat. The Syrians have made
this land known as "Aram", that is to say "High", they accepted it
as a holy country. In this sense, it also becomes clear the holiness
of the name Aram. Even in the year 700 BC the Assyrian king Senherib
officially adapted the Aramaic language as the language of the region.

Chairman APO: Is Aramaic much close to Assyrian?

A.D.O: It is the same; it is only a dialect of it.

Chairman APO: Do you understand the survived texts also today?

A.D.O: In the beginning they used the cuneiform (script)

Aramaic is a modern form of Assyriac.

Chairman APO: What I want to say is whether you do understand the
Aramaic words?

A.D.O: Yes, the current language we speak is Aramaic. At the times of
Alexander the Great they called Assyriac "Syriac" language, Aramaic
was officially recognized. Hereafter the Syrian people started to
implement this concept in the area. The Aramaic language has two
dialects: East- Aramean and West- Aramean. In the year 452 AD, at the
times of Byzantines, a meeting was held in Macedonia in the church
most allied to the Byzantine church. In these times the Syrians got
divided into three groups and also in these times the Nestorians
emanated. The Syrian Orthodox also became known as Jacobites. The
Syrians who followed the Byzantine emperor were called Melkites. The
meaning of Meliki (Melko) in Syriac is "principality" or "sultan".

Chairman APO: That is to say that the word Melik originates from there?

A.D.O: Yes. Since the times of Ural, the followers were called so.

Chairman APO: Whom of them is the collaborator?

A.D.O: The Catholics, that is to say those who followed Byzantines
are the collaborators. The Orthodox did make concessions, until today
they are Syrians.

Chairman APO: The Syrian Orthodox still being radical…

A.D.O: Yes.

Page 18, Column 3

Chairman APO: That is to say, who are the collaborators?

A.D.O: The Rum Orthodox who live in Damascus, Aleppo, Lebanon, Hama
and Laodicea. These are the followers of the Melkites. However a part
of them again is Catholic. After this the Catholics also got divided
into two groups. At this moment a part of them is Rum Orthodox and
the other part is Rum Catholic. This division came into being in
the year 1500. Both groups have completely forgotten the Aramaic
language, totally lost awareness of their ethnic origin. The Melkites
believe in the 6th century St. Maron. The Maronites in Lebanon are
their followers, that is to say the Maronite Syrians. Their churches
still bear the name Syrian- Maronite. However as regards their ethnic
traditions they are drawn apart from the Syrians. On the other hand
a part of the Assyrians accepted in the 14th – 15th century the pope
of Rome. A part of the Nestorians becomes Catholic. The pope gives
them a new name. The Chaldeans of Babylon.

This situation caused the people again being divided into two
(groups). The separated Catholics do not consider themselves as
Assyrians, it is sufficient if we "call ourselves Catholics", they
say. Their consciousness of their ethnical origin is completely
being put aside. In short, the truth about our people, culture and
history can be explained in this way. I am hopeful and I again repeat:
Hereafter we have to help extra the country to progress, to improve
the real status, this on the fundament of liberation to blow a new
life in it.

Chairman APO: The Assyrians do not descend from Arabs, do they?

A.D.O: The Assyrians are older than Arabs. The Arabs originate from
southern Mesopotamia. Those who gave the name "Arabic" to the Arabs
were also Assyrians. They called them "Arboye" and the meaning of this
is "southerners". Another meaning of the word "Arabic" in Assyriac
is "Sahra". In this regards the Arabs are called "Sahra People",
"desert people".

Chairman APO: That is to say, this words originates from Assyriac?

Page 18, Column 4

A.D.O: Yes, absolutely. This has two meanings in our language, one
is called "the Southern" and the other one "desert" Arabs and even
the Arabs living in Sahara are still called "Araboye" (Arabs), that
is to say "the people of the desert".

Chairman APO: The Babylonians, Akkadians, Sumerians are absolutely
not Arabs, right?

A.D.O: No……

Chairman APO: But the Arabs appropriate all of them to themselves. They
claim that such a history exists.

A.D.O: They are absolutely no Arabs.

Chairman APO: Is there language different than Arabic?

A.D.O: Yes. Many of their books are written in Syriac.

Chairman APO: They all differ from Arabic?

A.D.O: Yes, that is so.

Chairman APO: There is cuneiform, there is Aramaic; these are not
Arabic, and in those times Arabic did not exist in written form, right?

A.D.O: Yes. In reality Arabic originates from Syriac language.

Chairman APO: Is that so? Arabic originates from Syriac. Okay, is
that definite?

A.D.O: Definitely. The origin of their script is in particular derived
from that. On the other hand the words of these two languages have
many similarities, yet in reality Arabic is being derived from. The
Arabs have derived some of their characters from Syriac.

Chairman APO: Is that so? It is miraculous. In that case the Bible
is to a great extent also written in Syriac, right?

A.D.O: Of course, it sounds like that.

Chairman APO: In that case we eventually can say that a great part
of the Bible originate from Assyrian sources?

A.D.O: Yes, it is from Assyrian sources. Even Jesus Christ is
originally an Assyrian. In these countries, also Assyrians lived
then. Firstly, in those times there were also Assyrians who waged
wars. Also the old testament mentions this, the war between Assyrians
and Jews was fierce.

Page 18, Column 5

After the advent of Islam a major part of the Syrians was forced
to Islam. Along with the Islamisation they also got Arabised. The
Arabised Syrians were considered as those who made a considerable
contribution to the Arabic civilization. The typical indigenous Syrian
working fields were Arts and various other fields.

Chairman APO: Understood. The Arabs have received their knowledge to
a great extent from Syrians. Okay, where do this people live?

A.D.O: In Homs, Damascus, Aleppo, Baghdad, Mosul and in Lebanon.

Chairman APO: In other words, we understand that the Arabic
civilization clearly for an important part originates from the Assyrian
(Syrian) civilization. One may wonder, how did this influence take
place in such a great extent? I want to say that there exists a
great Arabisation.

A.D.O: Yes, that is true. The rich Syrian class accepted for a
important part the Islam to protect they money they had.

Chairman APO: It is exactly the same happened with us, right? Likewise
it happened with the many arabised, Islamized (Kurdish) Sheiks and
Aga´s, in the same way it did happen with the Syrians. There are
also Islamized Syrians, right?

A.D.O: There are. By thousands, even by hundred thousands. The
situation of Syrians in Iraq and Syria is comparable to that of
the Copts in Egypt. When the power of Egypt increased, many Copts
became Muslims.

Chairman APO: The situation of Syrians reassembles also to theirs. They
are not Arabs, but are being arabised. This situation also exists in
Algeria, right?

A.D.O: That is true, this situation also exists in Algeria. Only
the culture, the customs, the language of Syrians differs from that
of Arabs.

Chairman APO: In this case, it is the closest nation living among the
Kurds. When the Assyrians extended their civilizations in the steppes,
the Kurds remained (underdeveloped) behind in the mountains. The
Assyrian questions should be considered as serious matter within
Kurdistan. As far as I understood, the situation of the people
represented by the Assyrian Democratic Organization resembles little
bit with our situation. We also rebelled against groups, denominations,
tribes and (harmful) effects of the faith can be evaluated as follows:
The truth about nationality was annihilated.

The damage caused to the Syrian people by the fake clergy is very
severe. Perhaps did the Orthodox faith gain more ground, however
this should be met with constructive critics. It is not correct to
completely deny the faith. "Faith is culture, is a kind of way of
life", I participate in the meetings, yet I cannot say with certainty
that they are faithful, that is to say, we should also not forget
those who cause damage by taking the fait out of its context and
misusing it. It is necessary to establish within every denomination
a democratic movement. That is to say that it is important that their
acts should be founded on a modern foundation.

Page 18, Column 6

It is also good to prevent Diaspora. That resembles also to our
situation. It is necessary to pay more attention to this, to extra
underscore. However, this is not only a physical Diaspora, it is also
important to revoke as regards the spiritual well-being. That is to
say, it is necessary to improve this. In this matter it is well to be
more open-minded. To my opinion it is also necessary to pay attention
to the issue of denomination. Some of them have interests, they are the
leaders of Diaspora, and again they are the leading figures of faith.

A proper critic towards this kind of people is correct. We can say
that this people are collaborators. I believe that also within your
people in the past treachery was huge. Such as the collaboration with
the Byzantines and Romans. Those whom we are talking about who care
only about themselves, their home, their money and hearth, resemble
to fake Muslims.

All these issues were harmful to the people. Limited kind of
nationalism is also wrong. I consider limited form of nationalism
little bit dangerous. Because there are some who withdraw from the
reality of the region, form the reality of the people. Doubtlessly,
the role of killings and attacks is obvious. However, in spit of all
these matters, we should not give up and hide. For example, in spite
we are being persecuted in Turkey, oppressed, we gave a very detailed
explanation, informed the Turkish people. There are with us also
many Turks. That is to say, the promotion of political explanation,
the political revelation.

This also has a cultural foundation and for this as strong basis
required. The Kurdish issue in particular needs such an explanation
(from your side). I believe that the explanation of Armenians in the
south and of the Assyrians in the north would change (positively)
our fate in the history. Anyhow, the history became in a era of great
darkness by the break of the ties. If we repair again these ties,
than also again light will shine in the history.

It is necessary to build up this tie. It is clear that the Syrian
contribution (to the PKK), to the new building up ( of the region)
in the liberation of the people may play a pronounced role. It is
necessary to consider Kurdistan as a common country. Sometimes I say,
Kurdistan is Armenia, is Assyria.

>From time to time I repeat these words. Because this is a common
country. On places where fife- ten Syrian villages can be found,
in the environs there are also equally Kurdish villages. Such as in
Heseke, in Cezire the Syrians and Kurds live among each other. This
is also the case in the Iraqi part, they completely live

among each other.

In Hakkaria many live among each other. In this matter, it is wrong
to say that we are dealing with two countries. In the same area two
people live among each other, this is the correct approach. We are
considering (within ourselves) that the way you becomes a democratic
movement, it is necessary that the Kurds also in that same way become
democratic. That is to say, it is not only from within, but also
necessary from outside to extend.

Of course we have to remember that the rapprochement according to the
old religions, the limited form of nationalism did not provide extra
opportunity to this. However, our ideologies and politics are in the
end transparent. In particular the Assyrian Democratic Organization
prepares on this a strong reliable foundation. Also the establishment
of PKK movement took place in a such atmosphere; yet I can put it in
this way that it has become a very remarkable and huge movement.


Picture: Shalmaneser III Emperor of Assyria in the middle of the 9th
century BCE: one of the worst enemies of the Ancient Aramaeans with
whom the Assyrians (contrarily with the Babylonians) never intermingled
as this was part of the state policy in Assyria.


Toganian Liana:
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