A1+ – International Observers Attend Opposition Rally/Video


[08:29 pm] 26 September, 2008

Today’s rally in Northern Avenue is conducted by HHSh member Aram
Manukian. The latter addressed the ralliers saying, "Free and
independent citizens of Armenia," "Owners of Northern Avenue,"
"Members of the Armenian National Congress," and the like.

After greeting the presentees he said the rally aims to support Ararat
Zurabian who stands for the district head of Kentron Commune.

Manukian cited some articles from the RA Election Code, saying that
today’s non-authorised rally is compliant with the law and cannot be
deemed as illegal.

He also assured the ralliers that the Movement is not fading away,
rather, it is gathering momentum.

At the end of his speech Mr. Manukian thanked the international
observers who had attended the rally and voiced hope that "they will
monitor the upcoming local election and prevent election fraud."

The leader of the Social Democratic Henchak Party (SDHK), Lyudmila
Sarkissian, also addressed the ralliers saying that the authorities
deepen public distrust and disappointment towards them as they confine
their right to rallies.