Saraladj Highway Exploited

19:20 29/09/2008

Today in the morning Saralandj highway and the tunnel
Abovian-Miasnikian have been exploited. The President of Armenia Serzh
Sargsyan has been present at the event. He has highly evaluated the
efforts of the working team and expresses his appreciation towards
"Lins" foundation for supporting the programme. He has also expressed
his hope that the foundation will continue conducting various projects
in Armenia.

S. Sargsyan said that the road construction in Yerevan has always
been under the attention of the officials. "The very first steps
of any construction are being negatively met by the citizens, but,
I am sure, that after they are fulfilled everybody is content,"
says the President.

The former president of Armenia Robert Kocharyan, who took the
initiative to organize the construction of the highway, said that
they are thinking over naming the highway after Kirk Krkoryan.