Wake Up Kurdistan!

By Axin Arbili

28/09/2008 00:00:00

There is no change for the better; there is no turning point in our
history: The anti-Kurdish forces of the past are the anti-Kurdish
forces of today. Despite the end of Saddam’s dictatorship five years
ago, there is still no freedom for the Kurds, no free Kurdistan
even in so-called liberated Iraq. Our enemies are busy, as ever,
with maintaining the status quo in the Middle East, and they are
successful. In return for Kurdish efforts of reconciliation and
goodwill, Arabs, with the help of the Turks, have stopped the
referendum in Kerkuk and are now doing everything to abolish that
constitutional requirement and right. The Kurdish city and especially
the oil there are still regarded "Arab patrimony", and under Saddam
this meant Anfal: large-scale ethnic cleansing, deportations,
displacement, genocide.

The Kurdish genocide; the murder of more than 350,000 people, the
displacement of millions; the depopulation and destructions of the
Kurdish landscape seems to have quietly disappeared from collective
conscious, from the collective memory and public political discourse;
it has almost become irrelevant to our leaders. Nobody remembers
the referendum in which the Kurdish people in the south declared
their will for self-determination and independence; today we do
not see the implementation of the only legitimate will, but we see
the instructions and will of Washington, Baghdad, Damascus, Tehran,
Ankara being implemented. The Kurdish leaders in Iraq have become
collaborators and clients of US global empire.

The question to be asked and answered is thus: What did the Peshmerga
actually fight for in "Operation Iraqi Freedom"? Did they really fight
for Kurdish freedom or did they risk their lives so that instead of
Sunni Arabs their Shiite kin get the opportunity to rule Baghdad
and thus Kurdistan? The answer is quite clear. We missed a unique
opportunity to tell our enemies and the world that we don’t want to
be part of that criminal and hated creation of British imperialism
called Iraq; that we want the sanctity of our homelands recognized
under international law, that we want a free and sovereign Kurdish
society, protected by a Kurdish state and army; that the insults,
intimidations, threats, aggressions, crimes against us must end for
once and all. Instead of doing the right thing, the Kurdish leaders
decided to become presidents and foreign ministers of that terror
state of Iraq; we see how they listen to our enemies and follow
imperial instructions; we see that there is no progress and peace
for our nation. In the political and cultural realities of the world,
we do not even exist. We are called Iraqis; south Kurdistan is just
northern Iraq in the eyes of the "international community" and others.

The scale of racial hatred against any form of Kurdish independence
or even a Kurdish city administration is unimaginably deep and
egregious when we compare that the Arabs already have 22 (twenty-two)
independent sovereign countries with tens of thousands of rich cities
and a population of 350 to 400 million; that there are 7 (seven)
independent sovereign Turkic states, 16 (sixteen) Autonomous Turkic
republics, with a Turkish/Turkic population of more than 200 million;
that the combined Arab und Turkish land masses represent a vast area
stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to Central Asia and beyond; that
Turks and Arabs fully enjoy all human and ethnic rights monitored under
international law. Despite all of their territorial and material wealth
(including the largest oil reserves), despite their numerous states,
and despite calling themselves compassionate Muslims, Turks and Arabs
are not willing to allow the Kurds, who have no other allies or kin,
let alone friends, to exercise the same human and ethnic rights,
to have their historical, moral, legal rights for self-determination
and for their own sovereign country realised.

The "international community" couldn’t care less. Arab oil and
Nato-membership of Turkey are too precious for the West to jeopardize
by supporting the despised, poor and powerless Kurds. Consequently
and historically the USA/EU/NATO have supported their client states
rather than supporting democracy and justice in the region. Outside
the western spheres, there is no such thing anyway. There are only
vital strategic and material interests. There is no right or wrong,
moral or immoral for the West when it comes to its vital interests;
there is only the will and force to achieve the objectives by all
means, at any costs, including genocides. In the Middle East, these
are access and control of the energy reserves and expansion of control
to yet uncontrolled regions (Iran, Caucasus, Central Asia, etc.). In
the new strategy paper of the US military for the 21st century, it is
now explicitly and officially stated what has been US foreign policy
practice for decades and centuries: continuous warfare for depleting
energy, food and water resources together with their European kin
and local puppets. Since these resources are in other countries and
belong to other peoples/races, the US military officially declares to
continue targeting the indigenous populations whenever necessary; it
other words, there is no distinction between civilian and military;
the other culture as a whole is an enemy of the US if it’s in the
way. Freedom? Democracy? Only the most naïve and manipulated can
still believe in a benevolent Uncle Sam.

So while the Arabs are attacking us in "legal" ways and/or by using
terror to prevent Kerkuk becoming part of Kurdish administration; all
of the Kurdish territories are under constant attack by the Turkish
air force to kill as many "Kurdish terrorists" (= free Kurds) as
possible. The Turks are assisted by the Iranian army, and the actions
of both the Turkish and Iranian military are approved and supported
by the USA/West! On the one side Kemalists and Mullahs are conducting
warfare against a defenseless people in open violation of all rules
and conventions; on the other there is the "international community"
deliberately looking away and allowing crimes against humanity. The UN
general meeting demonstrated this once again openly and directly when
representatives, including Ahmadinejad, delivered their speeches. He
was talking about God, justice, beauty, harmony, brotherhood of man,
while at the same time the Iranian army is carrying out its war against
the Kurdish population; and the "international community" is wondering
whether or not Iran has peaceful intentions toward the West. These are
satanic double standards and they show unambiguously that the West
is not bothered about the Kurdish situation and fate. The barbarism
of the Turkish/Iranian military is matched by the selfish brutality
of the West. While some delegations were absent; the foreign minister
of Iraq, who is a Kurd, was present and listening. And not only was he
present and listening, he actually applauded when this prophet of evil
finished his deceitful speech. It was like a scene from a nightmare
or directly from hell. I could only feel shame and anger as there
can be no understanding let alone justification for such disgraceful
behaviour. How can you, as a Kurd, applaud him when this man only
has murderous contempt for you and your people. He is the head of a
state which is determined to crush Kurdish rights, which imprisons,
tortures and kills Kurdish intellectuals and human rights activists;
which has been cooperating with the Turks for centuries in occupying
and exploiting Kurdish lands; which has always been anti-Kurdish in
theory and practice. Knowing all of this, how can you just sit there
comfortably, listen and applaud this false prophet when you could,
in your position as foreign minister, inform the world public of
Iranian and Turkish atrocities?

Our enemies will not take us serious with such figures, they can only
laugh at us and do what they like. No wonder that the world has no
clue about our tragedy, that the only thing they can relate Kurds to
is either terrorism or that we are just plain stupid or masochistic.

The Turks have been demonstrating their contempt for centuries. While
we are begging for some democracy; their "constitutional court"
is considering the closure of the only Kurdish party in Turkey just
because this party wants a free and democratic society with equal
rights for every one and, above all, because it is a Kurdish party
that represents the Kurds. For the military rulers in Ankara, Kurds
representing Kurds and insisting on Kurdish right is just another
form of terrorism that needs to be eradicated. As all the previous
Kurdish parties were shut down, it is more than likely that this
one will also have the same fate. Even if it is not shut down now,
it will be reminded of the Turkish sword hanging over its head,
ready to be used at any time the party/Kurds say anything different
than Kemalist state slogans.

We need to wake up and understand: Democracy is not in the interest
of the ruling elites as it would mean the end of Kemalism/Turkish
supremacy. Consequently there is no real democracy, all these Turkish
parties, the parliament, the courts, the government only a facade
for the "international community". Behind the scenes, the US-backed
generals pull the strings and make these puppets move as they wish. If
one of them dares to get out of line, there is always the threat
and possibility of a military coup to re-arrange and re-install the
Kemalist order even more brutally. But as the Turkish society has
been thoroughly Kemalized by the Kemalofascist military, bureaucracy,
and judiciary for almost a century, and as it has also been thoroughly
Islamized by the their Muslim leaders, with their strong economic base;
there is no danger of any form of subversion from the Turkish people
against the status quo or any wish for real democracy. As long as
there is Western support and financing of the Turkish fascist order,
as long as the Kurds have no voice and are powerless slaves of Western
and local forces; the Turks, Arabs, Iranians, Westerners are quite
content and happy with the status quo called "Middle East".

Given these global, geostrategic, socio-political realities, any talk
of democratization of such societies becomes ridiculous, absurd if
not pathological. And it is absolute and utter hubris to believe,
let alone to suggest that Kurds, as freedom fighters or as political
fighters, could democratize Arab or Turkish societies in any way. Not
only that Kurds don’t have the means, but they also don’t have the
right to attempt any such mad thing. If these societies or states
prefer a Kemalist, Baathist, Islamist system or whatever system they
want, it is their decision and choice. These are separate societies,
separate peoples, separate states. Even Israel, the nuclear and
industrial superpower of the region, makes no claim or has a plan
of democratizing the Palestinian Arabs or any other Arabs for that
matter; how can Kurds talk about democratizing others?! This form of
thinking is purely idealistic, wishful, delusional and thus a total
waste of time. It will not help our cause in any way, it has just
hindered it and blocked real progress, and thus it only has played
into the hands of our enemies.

But we have no more time to lose. We are dealing with hostile barbaric
forces which only have contempt for us if we try to civilize them
with democratic rhetorics and plans. They insult us, spit into our
faces, torture and kill us in return to demonstrate that there is no
such thing as Kurdish rights. Look around, animals even have more
rights in Turkey, Iran, Syria and in the world than Kurds. They
make it absolutely clear and act upon the understanding that it’s
in nobody’s interest that we exist.. The Turks, Arabs, Iranians have
been carrying out physical and cultural genocides against the Kurdish
nation without any action, even without any real protest from that
"civilized international community". Although on legal and moral
basis, these states ought to be sanctioned, boycotted and punished;
you see how they are officially recognized and welcomed at every
international forum and in every organization.

Wake up and understand; begging for democracy will not bring us
anywhere. Has it brought us the freedom of our language, the freedom
of speech, freedom for education in our native language; are there
any Kurdish institutions, universities? Where are the Kurdish names
for our children, towns, landscapes? While we should be demanding our
right for self-determination and independence, we don’t even dare to
ask for some form of autonomy. The Kemalist and Islamist Turks will
not accept even the basic human and ethnic rights; and the democratic
Turks are only a few and totally powerless. What they are selling as
democratic reforms is meaningless in practice or simply a show for
the entertainment of the EU.

Wake up and understand: The Turks are afraid of real democracy. They
instinctively know that it would mean losing more or even all of their
conquered lands. They are not the indigenous people of this region
and thus feel insecure in foreign territory. 500 years of occupation
of Anatolia has not changed this fundamental reality in the Turkish
psyche. They are descendants of conquerors and occupiers and there is
no way back. As the Ottoman Empire was created and maintained with the
Turkish sword, so today physical force remains the only instrument
to maintain what is left. With the end of their empire, there is
only one remaining target: the Kurds. As long as there are Kurds,
they will be reminded that they are illegal occupiers; that it is
not their country; that they are intruders; thieves, murderers. Real
democracy will necessarily lead to acknowledgement of these facts,
recognition of the Assyrian, Greek, Armenian, Kurdish genocides,
and to compensation. Therefore, real democracy is not in the interest
of the Turkish people as a principle, and it will never happen under
such conditions.

Wake up and understand: A peaceful, equal, democratic co-existence
between the Turkish and Kurdish peoples within the same borders is
impossible as the Turks don’t accept the Kurdish nation. Therefore,
it is wrong to think and irresponsible to suggest that as Kurds we do
not need our own protective state when history clearly demonstrates
and teaches that peoples and populations were massacred and genocided
precisely because they did not have their own protective states,
precisely because they did not have borders to protect them from
genocidal assault.

Has mankind changed meantime? Do we now live in a world of brotherhood
and justice? Have we overcome our barbaric instincts of attacking and
destroying other cultures, of conquering other countries and enslaving
native populations? Do warfare and ethnic cleansing belong to the
past? Do cultures and countries fully and harmoniously cooperate
to overcome their problems? Has the fighting and murdering for
resources stopped, has the desire for imperial world dominion ended,
are conflicts now being finally settled peacefully?

No, nothing has changed and the US and their "allies" are making sure
that nothing will change and business continues as usual.

Democracy is not their language, so it should not be the one to use
when confronted by them. This is a life or death confrontation, it is
literally about survival or total annihilation. There is no time for
illusions and self-delusions, we finally need to wake up and do what
is possible and necessary. Let’s be clear and remember: In the Turkish
and world media, in the propaganda of Western real-politics, we are
terrorists whatever we do or say; the Turks and others make sure that
our legitimate demands are officially regarded as terrorism and fought.

We need to focus on the task ahead: It is to fight for the liberation
of Kurdistan, for the creation of a united Kurdish state. This is our
right and obligation – and it is justified historically, morally,
legally! This must be our only goal and it must be the goal of all
Kurds under foreign occupation. An independent sovereign state is not
a theoretical concept, it is essential to the life and culture of a
people; it is the home, shelter, protector of the people. It is the
only guarantor of its future! How can one deprecate the importance of
a state? How can one suggest that it is an ideological entity; that it
is a bourgeois invention or plot? That is absolutely irresponsible and
the propaganda of the enemy. Our only chance is a clear understanding
of our situation and determined implementation of a strategy leading
to the declaration of the state of Kurdistan. Otherwise there will
be no freedom, no security, and above all, there will be no dignity,
no honour for the Kurdish nation. Without our own state; the Kurdish
people will continue being in slavery, will remain at the mercy of
hostile, aggressive powers, and will be constantly at risk of total
physical annihilation by these powers at any time.

There is no other way but absolute liberation. The West has and
will not help. On the contrary, with the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline,
running through ancient Armenian and Kurdish territories, the
American-Turkish-Israeli-Georgian alliance has been cemented for
good. We must now seek for some kind of cooperation based on the
principle that the enemy of your enemy is your friend. In our case,
our enemies’ enemies are Russia and China. The US and Nato have
plotted new strategies to harm these countries and keep them out
of the central Asian oil and gas markets. Two new power blocks
are forming now, the NATO plus local clients led by the USA/EU
on the aggressive-imperial side and the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation
Organization) and CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization)
led by Russia and China on the defensive side. We are right in the
middle of this confrontation, which seems to be inevitable and could
lead to global wars. It will be impossible to remain neutral and if
we don’t want to be crushed by both, we need to decide now where we
will stand to achieve our goal of a free recognized Kurdistan.

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