Armen Ashotyan’s Congratulation On Teacher’s Day

03.10.2008 17:00

Chairman of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Science,
Education, Culture, Sport and Youth Affairs Armen Ashotyan issued
a congratulatory message on the occasion of the Teacher’s Day. The
message states:

"Dear teachers,

On behalf of the Standing Committee on Science, Education,
Culture, Sport and Youth Affairs and myself, I render the warmest
congratulations and good wishes on the occasion of the Teacher’s Day.

Continuing the best national traditions in the field of education,
with your everyday honest and hard work you bring your deserving
contribution to the shaping of the future citizens of our state.

Schooling has been the firm basis of our existence in all times. With
the bright ideas of Mashtots, the Armenian teacher has passed through
trials of centuries, has enjoyed the joy of invention of letters,
has felt proud for the restoration of independence.

Teacher is not just a profession, but a high and responsible
mission. The hard and responsible mission of educating and bringing
up the younger generation is entrusted to you.

We are assured that Armenia should strengthen, and you, dear friends,
will continue participating in this responsible and sacred work of
supporting our state and statehood.

Full of that belief, I wish all of you good health, firm will in your
work and happiness20in your personal life."