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From President Serge Sargsyan’s Message Addressed To The People And


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
03 Oct 2008

Dear compatriots,

We have lots of work to do. To develop our economy, consolidate our
state, provide security, but besides all the before mentioned we have
a super issue – we need to regain our values to achieve what we want
to achieve and to maintain what we have.

Lots of things have been deteriorated nowadays. Our work will be
senseless if the coming generations grow with wrong dreams, if our
children dream of having expensive cars instead of winning in the
Olympic games. Our work will be senseless if we don’t turn our faces
to the development of education.

What we really need is scientists, who will reveal the secrets
of the space; we also need scientists who willingly transfer
their knowledge to the coming generations, because it is due to
this bigheartedness that tomorrow the new generations will make
unprecedented revelations. We need constructors, who will build roads
and buildings, but we more need those who will build the roads passing
round the forests because tomorrow their daughters and sons will walk
in those forests. We need professional doctors who have compassion,
because pills can heal today and compassion can heal always.

Education must be the bases of our values. With all the skills and
knowledge the pupils must=2 0learn to love and believe. This is the
most complex educational standard, because if in all the other cases
you can achieve something by different teaching methods, in this case
the only way is your individual example.

Which means those who educate they must possess these values. A word
without actions is not convincing. Consequently the cornerstone of
our educational policy must be the transformation of our values.

It is not only the responsibility of the government and the Ministry
of Education. Everyone must be responsible for it.

Dear Compatriots,

This is what I wanted to say to our people and the National Assembly.

I would like to finish my speech by voicing my clear stance regarding
certain issues.

1. We all know that in our reality certain individuals want to come
out from the position of power, they think that they are allowed
to solve certain issues by the help of their arms. I would like to
clearly announce that for me it is simply unacceptable. No one is
non-punishable in the Republic of Armenia; no one has the right
to ascribe the functions of the state to himself. I suggest that
everyone avoids similar misbehavior, because the consequences will
really be visible.

2. Secondly I appeal to the representatives of the pro-oppositional
and pro-governmental camps, journalists, social workers, and everyone
in general, to stop publicly hurting one another. Because it has
gone beyond a ll the limits. It seems to have become a norm in our
reality. Let’s stop, because this road will take to nowhere.

Hambardsumian Paul:
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