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Monitoring Committe Makes Its Statement


Hayots Ashkhar Daily
03 Oct 2008

In its session convened yesterday, the PACE Monitoring Committee
made a statement on Armenia’s compliance with the requirements of
Resolutions # 1609 and 1620.

According to David Haroutyunyan, Head of the Armenian delegation in
the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the statement
is mainly based upon the report submitted by Thomas Hammarberg,
Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe.

In particular, the Committee expresses concerns over the issue that
the expected result has not yet been achieved; it touches upon the key
points introduced by the Commissioner in his report and reiterates the
requirements expressed therein. Those requirements almost coincide
with the ones enshrined in PACE Resolutions # 1609 and 1620. "It is
mentioned that the committee will once again touch upon all these
issues. In the meantime, it is also mentioned that the committee
trusts the Commissioner and requests him to submit his assessment
during the session to be held in December," D. Haroutyunyan said.

Before that, the Committee envisages the Commissioner’s visit to

Kanayan Tamar:
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