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Press Availability By Deputy Secretary Negroponte In Azerbaijan

John D. Negroponte

US Department of State
October 2, 2008

DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE: Good afternoon. Thank you for coming.

I have come to Azerbaijan this week with a simple message: I am here to
reaffirm the United States’ commitment to strengthen relations between
our two countries – in a spirit of friendship. As Vice President Cheney
said when he came here a month ago, the United States has deep and
abiding interests in the well-being and security of Azerbaijan and
of its neighbors in the South Caucasus. We share important interests
and cooperate closely on a range of crucial issues.

The U.S. and Azerbaijan are partners in working for regional and
global stability. American and Azerbaijani soldiers stand side by
side in Iraq and Afghanistan. The contributions of Azerbaijan to
these security priorities are greatly appreciated by the American
government and the American people. The United States will continue
our security cooperation and assist the reform of Azerbaijan’s defense
establishment, including, under NATO’s Partnership for Peace.

We have long been partners in major strategic energy projects that
have built links between this region and Europe. Yesterday I had an
opportunity to visit the Sangachal Terminal, where I saw firsthand how
these Southern Corridor projects are strengthening energy security
in Europe and beyond. From the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline to
the South Caucasus Gas pipeline, our partnership is deepening as we
pursue the Turkey-Greece-Italy and Nabucco natural gas pipelines,
as well as expanded oil transit opportunities, thereby diversifying
energy supplies in European and global markets.

My visit comes just two weeks before Azerbaijan’s presidential
election. We recognize the Government of Azerbaijan’s commitment to
hold free and fair elections. October 15th represents an opportunity,
an important opportunity, for Azerbaijan to demonstrate its commitment
to democratic reform by holding an election that is assessed by
its own public and the international community to be free, fair
and transparent.

Two months ago we saw that conflicts in this region are anything but
frozen. Russia’s invasion of sovereign Georgia was unjustified. We call
on Russia to implement fully the ceasefire negotiated by President
Sarkozy of France. We and our European partners have made clear that
we support the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity
of Georgia, as well as Azerbaijan and Armenia.

In this new environment, now, more than ever, the United States
wants to help find a peaceful resolution to the Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict. As one of the three Minsk Group co-chairs, the United States
has worked for years to help resolve this situation. We are committed
to achieving a negotiated solution to the conflict that starts with
the principle of territorial integrity, and takes into account other
international principles. A resolution to the conflict will enhance
peace and stability in the region, and Azerbaijan’s security, as well.

Thank you very much, and I would be pleased to take a few questions.

QUESTION: My question is on Russia. Would the United States of
America be ready to provide security measures and provide security
for Azerbaijan as well as Ukraine if Russia shows new aggression?

DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE: As I said in my statement, we believe
that the action in Georgia by Russia was unjustified, and we, together
with Europe and others in the international community, have rallied
behind Georgia. We have provided significant assistance to help Georgia
recover from the situation that was created by Russia’s invasion. And
we believe that Russia has paid a very significant international cost
for what it did in Georgia, and we would hope that as a result of that
they would think twice before trying to create similar circumstances

QUESTION: My question is about the mass media and situation in
Azerbaijan, and the three opposition newspaper journalists are still
in prison. But the very fact of the imprisonment of the opposition
journalists; what do you think? Does it actually undermine the conduct
of truly democratic elections in Azerbaijan? Because as everybody
knows, there are no democratic elections unless the opposition

DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE: As I said in my remarks, we certainly
see the 15th of October as an opportunity for the conduct of
elections that will be perceived by the people of Azerbaijan and
by the international community as fair and free. I would also say
that in the context of a country that only 17 years ago was ruled
by a communist party dictatorship, that there has been considerable
progress on the path towards democracy by this country. Now, also with
the recent prosperity of the past two years, there are opportunities
to improve the economic well-being of the Azerbaijani people, which
is also a positive development.

But there are issues, such as the one you mentioned, that we believe
need to be addressed, and these are the kinds of subjects that we
raise in the quarterly human rights dialogue that we have with the
government of Azerbaijan. We would hope that going forward there
would be more progress on these kinds of issues. I would certainly
agree with the thrust of your question – that this kind of detention
does put a blemish on the democratic activity here.

QUESTION: Do you think this is the right time for Azerbaijan and the
United States of America to begin cooperating militarily? And would
the U.S. be ready to assist Azerbaijan if Azerbaijan becomes a victim
of another Russian aggression, as in Georgia?

DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE: As I said earlier, the United States
supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia, of
Azerbaijan, and of Armenia. And certainly the kinds of activities
that we carry out in our relationship, our bilateral relationship,
are designed to both strengthen our partnership and help strengthen
the country of Azerbaijan.

As I said earlier, we value the cooperation we have in the security
area already, particularly in the matter of Azerbaijan troops that
are fighting side by side with other coalition forces in Iraq and
Afghanistan. In my discussions with both the President and with the
Foreign Minister, we did discuss the possibility of continued and
possibly increased cooperation and contribution by Azerbaijan to the
efforts in Afghanistan. We are certainly open to the possibility of
other forms of cooperation with Azerbaijan in the security sphere.

QUESTION: Actually everybody has been witnessing political activities
here in this region of the world after the Russian intrusion into
Georgian territory. So the question would be again, if the same
scenario happened here in Azerbaijan, if the Russian Federation
[inaudible] towards Azerbaijan. Is the United States of America ready
to stand together with Azerbaijan just in case of a military action?

DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE: Look, let me answer it again because
several of you are coming back to this hypothetical question.

First of all, we would hope that this situation that you mentioned
would not arise. That would be my first answer.

Secondly, as you saw from our response and the European response to
the situation in Georgia, we did many things to show solidarity with
that country, including after events occurred a significant program
to help the reconstruction and the repair in that country.

But we have also in response to the situation that occurred in Georgia
taken steps to send a message of solidarity with other countries in
the region such as Azerbaijan. That was also the message that Vice
President Cheney delivered when he visited here recently.

Lastly I would say that we have in our dialogue with Russia taken the
position that the kind of activity they undertook in Georgia is not in
keeping with the principles and policies that we think are appropriate
to the 21st Century, and that going forward their behavior ought to
be one of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of
independent states. We think that is the best way to advance good
international relations between all the countries concerned, and
is the best way also to fully realize the economic and political
potential of all of our countries.

I have time for one more question.

QUESTION: I’m actually interested in the Turkish-initiated Caucasus
[inaudible] proposal [inaudible].

DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE: I think first of all, I think
[inaudible]. Are you talking about with respect to Armenia or with
respect to —

QUESTION: [Inaudible].

DEPUTY SECRETARY NEGROPONTE: Right. I think that Turkey obviously
has an important role to play. I’ve particularly noticed, and have
noted the fact that they have reached out to Armenia recently, which
appears to us to be a positive development. But I think many different
actors have a role to play in this process.

Most importantly, as concerns Azerbaijan, I think the two countries of
Armenia and Azerbaijan have a key role to play in this situation. If
this is an example of where if the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict could
be resolved, then the full potential of Azerbaijan-Armenia relations
would have a better chance of being realized.

Lastly, I would say that the so-called Minsk Group also has an
important role to play in helping facilitate some kind of ultimate
solution and of course the United States is a member of that group and
we are prepared to play our part in facilitating a peaceful solution
to that situation.

Chmshkian Vicken:
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