Serzh Sargsyan: The Church Has Always Been A Support For Our People

03.10.2008 13:41

President Serzh Sargsyan today hosted the Catholicos of All Armenians
Garegin II, members of the Episcopate of the Armenian Apostolic Church
and secular members of the Supreme Religious Council.

Addressing senior clergymen, Serzh Sargsyan said: "I’m glad to welcome
you at the President’s Office just a few days after the blessing of the
Holy Muron." According to the President, that ceremony most correctly
symbolized the idea of unity and collectiveness, the dprotective role
of the church for people.

Accoridng to the President, under the conditions of lack of statehood
for a thousand years, the church has always been a support for our
people and has guided us to the 21st century. "As a state, we have
a duty to return to the church for it to strengthen and lead our
people forward," Serzh Sargsyan said and noted that the state is
always ready to support the church.

The Catholicos welcomed the constant attention of the state towards
the issues of the church. He assessed as encouraging and inspiring
the attitude the Armenian Church and the Dioceses get during every
visit of the President. His Holiness Garegin II noted that the church
backs all the programs of the President, which are targeted at the
progress and development of the country.

The interlocutors attached importance20to the establishment of the
Ministry of Diaspora, which will provide an opportunity to address
the Diaspora issues more seriously.

President Sargsyan gave clarifications regarding the recent events,
particularly the Georgian-Ossetian and Armenian-Turkish relations.