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Activation of institution of customs brokers has dual effect

Activation of institution of customs brokers has dual effect,
representatives of private sector of Armenia say

2008-10-03 16:47:00

ArmInfo. Activation of the institution of customs brokers has dual
effect, Executive Director of Armenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Araik Vardanyan told ArmInfo. ‘If a businessman has no right to customs
clearance without relevant license in conformity with the new rules, it
means that he must make additional expenses for broker services. On the
other hand, mediation in customs operations considerably reduces the
temporary expenses for business registration and the response of the
private sector is positive’, A. Vardanyan said. The key condition of
successful reforms is professional operation of brokers and customs
agencies, he said.

An amendment to the Customs Code of Armenia in April 2007 allowed
economic subjects-importers not to be present during customs
registrations. At present, a regional customs of international traffic
of the State Customs Committee of Armenia operates in the
self-declaration regime. As a result, the transactions at the given
customs for Jan-Oct 2007 totaled 5.100 as against 3600 in 2006.

At present Armenian Finance Ministry has issued license for Mediation
in customs activity to 35 legal entities.

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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