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The So-Called ‘Genocide Of Mountain Jews’ Allegedly Committed By Arm


AZG Armenian Daily

National Interests

Despite the negative lessons of cultivating enmity around the South
Ossetian and Abkhazian conflicts and deliberations about Turkey’s
Platform of Stability and Security, the Azerbaijani special propaganda
continues poisoning the public conscience with misinformation",
Head of the Institute of National Strategic Studies of the Armenian
Defense Ministry, Major-General, Doctor of Political Sciences Hayk
Kotanjian said when commenting allegations in Azeri mass media that
the Knesseth has made decision to investigate the "genocide" against
Mountain Jews in the north of present Azerbaijan at the beginning of
the 20th century perpetrated by Armenians.

According to Kotanjian, the so-called "genocide against Mountain
Jews" is pure fiction imposed on the public conscience of Israel and
Jewish Diaspora by Azeri special propagandists and their foreign
partners. "These actions aim to undermine the friendship between
Jewish and Armenian peoples having very much in common in their
centuries-old history. Besides the gift to support their century-old
cultural and historical identity and develop the intellectual potential
of hundreds of generations, our people are united by the disastrous
hardship of Genocide and Holocaust, as well as by the experience of
heroic surviving and rebirth of statehood as the Republic of Armenia
and the State of Israel", he said.

One thing is clear: the falsifiers’ fuss is immoral, actually, it is
sneering at the memory of Armenians exterminated by gangs of Caucasian
Tatars in places of century-old friendly co-existence of Armenians
and Mountain Jews. Experts of invention of "genocide" are trying to
pass off the remains of these Armenians, victims of the massacre, as
the remains of Jews allegedly killed by Armenians. The matter concerns
the crimes of the gangs which at that time exterminated in the north
of Azerbaijan several thousands of Russian officers and soldiers who
were returning home from the Caucasian frontline, Kotanjian said.

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