Prime Minister Awarded Teachers

20:04 07/10/2008

Today a ceremony devoted to the Day of Teachers was organized in
Philharmonic hall named after A. Babadjanyan. The Prime Minister
of Armenia Tigran Sargsyan, the Minister of Education and Science
Spartak Seyranyan, high ranking officials, representatives of civil
society were also present at the event.

Congratulating the guests, the Prime Minister mentioned that in order
to make the future of Armenia visible we should look at the pupils,
who are being grown up and educated by our teachers. "This is the
7th year the Teacher’s Day is being celebrated by the decision of
Government. This holiday gives chance to signify the role and the
mission of the teachers. The teachers’ problems are always under
Government’s special attention. We’ve decided to increase the salaries
of teachers up to 120 thousands drams," he said.

The Minister of Education and Science Spartak Seyranyan congratulated
the teachers and said that in those hard years of Armenia, teachers
took the responsibility to educate our future and they have met that
challenge with honor.

During the event the results of state annual competition have been
summarized and the winners of "Best teacher of 2008", "Best director
2008", and "Best tutor 2008" nominations have been announced and
awarded. Anush Mehrabyan, teacher of biology of school N1 in Idjevan
and Arpik Hovakimyan, educator of kindergarten N7 in Gavar have
received "VAZ 21-07" cars and Armen Margaryan, director of school N1
in Malishka received a computer.